Teaching & Advising

Teaching & Advising


Prospective students:  I am delighted to work with motivated, creative, and hard-working students.  Please contact me at your earliest convenience at the application cycle with your research idea, CV, and writing samples to be considered for funding opportunities. 

Please note that I am not recruiting Ph.D. students for the academic year 2024-25. 

I am recruiting 2 postdoctors. See details here


Students: If you are a graduate student and plan to do a thesis in my research area, please prepare a page of your ideas, your CV, and past publications, and stop by my office to have a chat.   See profiles of some of my past and current students who have conducted research with me here

I am co-teaching UEP251Economics for Planning and Policy Analysis with Prof. Mary Davis at Tufts University in Spring 2024.  Please follow the course canvas site at Tufts for details. 

I have taught the following courses at MSU