Powerful Change

Pegasus and Kanthaka were finally able to break their gaze, and both shouted simultaneously,

“We need help!”

“Why certainly, I wouldn’t assume you would show up here in Persia if you had not needed help. My name is Daisy White Filly, but you can call me Daisy, for short. What can I do for you two?” Daisy asked.

“We are on a mission to find Siddhartha,” Kanthaka said, as if Daisy was supposed to know who that was.

With a bit of sass, Daisy replied, “Who? And please, introduce yourselves.”

Kanthaka began from the very beginning of her time. She was overjoyed to talk about her life and who Siddhartha was, as well as very quick to tell Daisy all about Pegasus.

“I’m sorry to butt in, Daisy, but what is that on your head?” Pegasus asked.

“I’m so glad you asked. This is my alicorn. I received this wonderful gift straight from the tusk of the narwhal. The narwhales were whales twice the size of us horses that had a large tusk extending from their canine tooth. When their population slowly ceased to grow, they gifted us with healing power within this horn to keep their tradition alive. I’ve been healing sickness, saving lives, and providing change with it since the Middle Ages.”

Completely at a loss of words, Pegasus just mumbled, “Wow…”

“Watch,” Daisy said, as she quickly lowered her head and pointed her alicorn straight at Kanthaka. Kanthaka appeared worried and confused. She tried to back away, move sideways, and even tried to charge for Daisy.

When suddenly, wings began to grow from Kanthaka’s sides and she raised midair from all her movement. After a brief moment in the air, she quickly collapsed back onto the ground.

She was in awe, and Pegasus stood by her every move. He felt too emotional to say anything at all.

“I will now go along my way. It was so nice to meet both of you. I hope that will make your trip a little easier, and heal you of your sadness. Sorry to cut time short, but I’ve got to attend to more folks in need. Good luck on the rest of your journey!” Daisy said, as she quickly took off.

Kanthaka reared on her back legs in excitement, and Pegasus galloped towards her for a tight hug.

“Kanthaka, I’m ecstatic! Now we can fly around the world and look for Siddhartha. You can reunite with your best friend. We will travel the world together. I could never wish for anything more.”

With tears in her eyes, Kanthaka nudged her head against Pegasus.

“Together,” she whispered.


The pair flew off after a night of rest. Before they reached the sky-line, Kanthaka began to struggle.

“Pegasus, I feel that I am not strong enough. I cannot fly around the world. It’s too good to be true,” Kanthaka cried.

“No, Kanthaka, don’t give up. We will take a break and give time for your wings to gain strength. When I learned to use my wings for the first time, I failed many of times. It takes practice and strength.”

And with that, the pair landed and began a series of exercises to gain strength. Pegasus never once gave up on Kanthaka. After weeks of preparation, Pegasus felt that she was ready to tackle a journey.


“Kanthaka, you are ready now. But I have one favor to ask of you. I want you to meet my family. The ones who raised me. The Doubtfires, I’m sure they’re worried sick about me, and I cannot mask that feeling," Pegasus said.

“Oh Pegasus, I would love to meet your family. You have longed to stick by my side in hopes of finding Siddhartha, so I will forever stick by your side,” Kanthaka replied.

Side by side, they took off into the dark night sky.

Author's Note:

The unicorn is a legendary character in history, though not involved in actual Greek mythology (very much so in fairy tales though). I kept the image of the unicorn alive, as well as their expected contribution to the world. Narwhals, who evolved the alicorn for unicorns in this story, are actually real whales that are found in the Arctic. I used my name in a unicorn generator site to come up with what I would name the character. They explained that Daisy Silver Filly meant a very clever, silver horse with deep mysterious eyes that could cast plentiful spells and bounty. I thought that seemed so fitting for Kanthanka, but I changed the name to represent her color. I wanted the unicorn to grant the duo with something that could allow a stronger bond between Kanthaka and Pegasus, as well as unite them further. The wings allows Kanthaka and Pegasus to fly around the world, find Siddhartha, and make peace with the Doubtfires. I feel that this will tie the whole story together, because that way it will start with an aspiring Pegasus beginning at the Doubtfire ranch, and end with a successful Pegasus reuniting with his family accompanied with love.


Image One: White and Black Horse accessed online at the search for black and white horse here: Pixabay.

The History and Information about Unicorns. Accessed from Wikipedia.

The Unicorn Name Generator accessed here.

The Unicorn Horn accessed online from Wikipedia.

Narwhal information accessed from Wikipedia.