PEdro Gomes Homepage

Professor in Economics

Birkbeck Business School, Birkbeck, University of London

Research interests: macroeconomics of fiscal policy, macroeconomics of labour markets, public sector employment, education and human capital, macroeconomics and finance, sovereign ratings, organization of working time.

'No wonder Lord Keynes insisted that the master economist fulfill a set of attributes more extraordinary than those needed for Knighthood or even Sainthood. He must be a mathematician, historian, statesman, philosopher... He must contemplate  the particular in terms of the general, and touch abstract and concrete in the same plight of thought. He must study the present in the light of the past for the purposes of the future. No part of man's nature or his institutiom must lie entirely outside his regard. He must be purposeful and disinterested in a simultaneous mood; as aloof and incorruptible as an artist yet sometimes as near the earth as a politician.'

Todd G. Buchholz

New Ideas from Dead Economists: An Introduction to Modern Economic Thought

My research in a word cloud: 

Recent Updates

Paperback version of Friday is the New Saturday, is published by Flint, May 2024

"Made in Europe: Monetary–Fiscal policy mix with financial frictions" with Hernán Seoane is published in European Economic Review, April 2024.

Spanish version of Friday is the New Saturday, is published by RBA, ¡Por fin es jueves! , March 2024

Portuguese Four-Day Week Pilot Intermediate Report is published, December 2023

"Human Capital and Financial Development: Firm-Level Interactions and Macroeconomic Implications" with Allub and Kuehn is published in The Economic Journal, November, 2023.

"Immigration and Labour Market Flows" with Chassamboulli, Fontaine and Galvez is published in Labour Economics, October 2023.

"Public-sector wages: A view from economic theory", published in NIESR UK Economic Outlook, May 2023.

Presentation (French) "Arguments économiques en faveur de la semaine de quatre jours", CNAM, Paris, May 2023.

Italian version of Friday is the New Saturday, is published by Editori Laterza, Finalmente è Giovedì

"Public employment and homeownership dynamics," with Andrea Camilli, was published in Public Choice, December 2022.

"Public-sector employment, wages and education decisions," with Andri Chassamboulli, was published in Labour Economics, March 2023.

Presentation of Friday is the New Saturday in Future Works

BCAM VI: Online Workshop on Public Employment, 13th November  2020

Programme here

"The Economics of Public Employment: An Overview for Policy Makers" at the PUBLIC SECTOR JOBS - XXII European Conference of the fondazione RODOLFO DEBENEDETTI, October 2020

Seminar "Public Employment Redux" at Heriot-Watt University, Panmure House, 25th September 2020.

Non-technical talk on the four-day working week

"Jumping the queue: nepotism and public-sector pay", with Andri Chassamboulli, published in Review of Economic Dynamics.

1-hour presentation of "Public Employment Redux"

"Literacy and primary school expansion in Portugal: 1940-62", with Matilde Machado, published in Revista de Historia Economica Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History.