AI & Data - Portfolio

Artificial Intelligence isn't just a field for me, it's the lens through which I see the world. I hold an MBA focused on AI business – not because it's trendy, but because I believe AI has the power to transform everything we do.  Data courses through my veins. I see it like an oil engineer sees untapped reserves: a wellspring of opportunity waiting to be unleashed.

This passion fuels my work. I've driven data-led transformations in projects, products, and entire companies. My track record speaks for itself: from building an email translator two years before ChatGPT's debut, to pinpointing undiscovered use cases. For me, AI isn't just about efficiency. It's about pushing boundaries and uncovering the hidden potential that changes the game for businesses and individuals alike.

This combination of analytical rigor, visionary thinking, and entrepreneurial spirit defines my approach. When you work with me, you don't just get technical expertise; you get a partner who shares your excitement for using AI to build a better, smarter future.

⭐Check when I posted 3 years ago about my vision of a conversational AI using a trial in OpenAI: 

See other work done with AI

AI Job Matchmaker

I've been there – submitting dozens of applications and hearing crickets. That's why I built an AI analyzer to level the playing field. This tool gives both candidates AND recruiters a superpower – pinpoint the perfect fit fast, no more wasted time on either side. This is the prototype to play with. 

I used for this project: 

[1] Streamlit, [2] Github, [3] HuggingFace, [4] Open Large Language Model

Effort Estimation Predictor

Effort estimation holding you back?  Not anymore!  I developed a cutting-edge Effort Estimation Predictor to take the guesswork out of project timelines.  This smart system uses a cascade of machine learning models, first classifying the task, then tapping into a specialized algorithm trained on similar work. The result? Unprecedented accuracy –  think 85% to 95% spot on.  Imagine the impact: on-time delivery, precise budgeting, and happier stakeholders. 

I used for this project: [1] Colab for Research, [2] Azure MAchine Learning Studio for Modeling, and Deploying endpoint, [3] Bubble for Front-end

Colab Notebook (Colab): 

Front End (Bubble):

Endpoint (Azure Machine Learning):

Web Services Management ( 

Text Analysis with AML, and 🤗

Want to dip your toes into the exciting world of machine learning (ML)? I've got you covered!  Here, you'll find a treasure trove of resources to get you started.

Interactive Learning: Dive into hands-on projects. I've built user-friendly platforms on HuggingFace and Bubble, connected to Azure Machine Learning Studio. Play with sentiment analysis, text summarization, and keyword extraction – all within your grasp!

Explore my "Torch" space on HuggingFace and see the magic unfold!