Aryayev Nikolay Leonidovich

​Aryayev Nikolay Leonidovich (born 26.11.1950), Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, elected on November 6, 2003, specializing in pediatrics,

Member of the Polish Medical Academy (1998); Member of the International Medical Academy A. Schweitzer (1999), Doctor of Medical Sciences (1985), Professor (1986), awarded the Olympic Medal of Hippocrates, Gold Medal of the Polish Medical Academy A. Schweitzer, laureate of the Prize of the Government of Ukraine and the US Open Society Institute for the program "Scientists and Teachers (Soros Professor) ", the Prize of the International Foundation. O.M. Kosygina (Russia), pediatrician of the highest category, neonatologist of the highest category, head of the department of hospital pediatrics and neonatology (since 1986), vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work of Odessa State Medical University (since 1996), director of a multi-pediatric clinic at the Odessa Regional Children's Clinical Hospital and the Odessa Regional Maternity Hospital.

Famous pediatrician in Ukraine and abroad. The main directions of his scientific activity are clinical membranology, children's pulmonology, neonatology, medical genetics and biopsychosocial pediatrics. He developed measures to prevent the transmission of HIV from mother to child. The proposed tactics of drug correction of membranopathological processes in bronchopulmonary diseases in children, which contributed to a decrease in the mortality rate of infants and became a significant contribution to the development of pediatric clinical pharmacology. For the first time in Ukraine, developed a national strategy to prevent sudden death syndrome in children, a regional model of primary health care for children.

Author of more than 520 scientific works, among them 60 monographs, teaching aids and textbooks, 2 copyright certificates, 16 patents. Prepared 3 doctors and 25 candidates of science. Member of the Council of the European Organization of Psychosomatic and Social Medicine, Chairman of the Odessa Association of Pediatricians and Neonatologists; member of the editorial boards of 9 professional journals approved by the VAK: Odessa Medical Journal, Perinatology and Pediatrics, Ukrainian Medical Almanac, Modern Pediatrics, Child Health, Integrative Anthropology, International Journal of Pediatrics and Obstetrics and gynecology "," REMEDY the Family Doctor "," Neonatology, hirurgy and perinatal medicine "; member of the Central Formulary Committee, scientific consultant of the State Expert Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, a member of the presidium of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Association of Researchers of Ukraine".

Main scientific works: "Neonatology": Textbook, (2003); "HIV infection and AIDS" (2003); "Pediatric Pulmonology": Textbook, (2003); "Bioethics": Textbook, (2005); "The perinatal risk factors of SIDS" (2002).


Kaplina Larisa Evgenievna

Associate Professor, MD, Head teacher of Department

Theme of the thesis: "Features of metabolic adaptation of newborns with hypoxic-ischemic lesions of the central nervous system and methods of correction of its disorders", 1999, Kiev.

The main areas of scientific research: early age, neonatology, pediatric neurology, family medicine.

Graduated with honors from the Odessa Medical Institute. M.I. Pirogov in the specialty "Pediatrics", "Lenin Scholarship". Studied in clinical residency. She worked as the head of the PEDIATRIC department, an assistant, and from 2001 to the present she was an associate professor of the pediatrics department No. 1 ONMEDU. Consultant of the neurological department of the PEDIATRIC, a member of the city commission for the rehabilitation of disabled children, a member of the Academic Council of the Faculty. Raised the qualifications in Kiev, the Netherlands. The author and co-author of 58 publications, including 2 textbooks and 2 teaching aids, a standard program of a course on "bioethics" choice, 4 patents for invention.

Biryukov Viktor Sergeevich

Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences

The theme of the dissertation: "The rationale for the inclusion of vitamin E in the therapeutic complex in pneumonia in young children", 1984, Moscow.

Main directions of scientific research: cardiology, hematology, erythron system, antioxidant system of organism, bioenergetics, risk-management in medicine and health care, quality management of medical care, family, palliative and hospice medicine. Graduated from the City State Medical Institute on the specialty "Pediatrics". Studied in clinical residency under the guidance of Academician B.Ya. Reznik Initiator and development co-ordinator introduction and certification of ONMed for compliance with international quality standards of ISO 9000 series. Increased qualifications in Kiev, Russia, Japan, India, Maldives, England, the Netherlands. The author and co-author of 142 publications, including 6 monographs, 7 authors' testimonies.

​Varbanets Dina Andreevna

Associate Professor, MD

The theme of the dissertation is "The activity of glycolic enzymes in acute pneumonia in young children", Moscow, 1980

The main areas of work and research: pulmonology, the syndrome of cruelty to children.

Graduated with honors from the Odessa Medical Institute. NI Pirogova in the specialty "Pediatrics." Received a scholarship Gamaleya. Studied in clinical residency. She worked as a resident physician, an assistant, and from 1995 to the present time - assistant professor of pediatrics №1 ONMEDU. Consultant of the pulmonology department of the Odesa regional Hospital. Raised the qualifications in Kiev, the Netherlands. Author and co-author of 48 publications, including 2 monographs.

Desyatskaya Julia Vladimirovna

Associate Professor, MD

Theme of the thesis: "Clinical importance of membranotropic therapy and hyperbaric oxygenation in the complex treatment of hemolytic disease of newborns", 1996, Odessa.

The main areas of work and scientific research: neonatology, resuscitation of newborns.

Graduated with honors from the Odessa State Medical Institute. MI Pirogova in the specialty "Pediatrics". Scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. She worked as a district doctor and a neonatologist. Studied in clinical residency, postgraduate study. Since 1996, assistant, from 2010 to the present time - assistant professor of pediatrics №1 ONMEDU. Consultant of the departments of physiology, pathology and intensive care of newborns of the Odesa regional Hospital. Regional trainer on the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, breastfeeding, an expert of the international program "Child-friendly hospital". She raised her qualifications in Kiev, Lutsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa. Author and co-author of 48 publications, 7 patents for invention.

Tsiunchik Yulia Gennadievna

Associate Professor, MD

Theme of the thesis: "Early diagnosis and pharmacological correction of lesions of the hepatobiliary system in mucoviscidosis in children", 2003, Kiev, SRI PAG AMN of Ukraine

The main areas of work and research: general pediatrics, endocrinology, genetics.

Graduated with honors from the Odessa Medical Institute. M.I. Pirogov in the specialty "Pediatrics". She studied at the magistracy, graduate school. Since 1999. - Assistant of the department, since 2011. - Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatrics No. 1 ONMEDU.

Responsible for the therapeutic work of the department. consultant of the department of endocrinology of the regional children's clinical hospital. Trained in Austria, Salzburg (course "Children's Gastroenterology"), Turkey, Izmir (Winter School of the European Society of Pediatric Endocrinology, course "Pediatric Endocrinology"). She raised her qualification in the Kiev National Medical University. A.A. Bogomolets (2011). He is a regular participant in international pediatric congresses, conferences, forums (EAP), the European Academy of Pediatrics (EAP), the European Paediatric Association, the Union of National European Paediatric Societies and Associations (EPA-UNEPSA), the European Society for Paediatric Research (ESPR ).

The author of more than 50 scientific works, including 1 monograph, 2 patents for invention, 3 manuals. He is a member of the Examination Commission for the admission of the State Examination in Pediatrics. Fluent in English.

Shevchenko Igor Mikhailovich

Associate Professor, MD

Theme of the thesis: "Justification of the application and evaluation of the effectiveness of the immunomodulator in the complex therapy of cystic fibrosis in children", 1994, Odessa.

The main areas of work and research: genetics, immunology, neonatology.

Graduated with honors from the Odessa Medical Institute. MI Pirogova in the specialty "Pediatrics". He worked as the head of the children's hospital department. He studied in clinical residency and postgraduate study. Since 1989, the assistant, and since 2014 the associate professor of the pediatrics department No. 1 ONMEDU. He is a consultant in the pediatric and neonatal pathology departments. Raised the qualification in Kiev, Kharkov.


Bredelieva Natalia Konstantinovna

Assistant, MD

Theme of the dissertation: "Clinical significance of somatometric, biochemical and immunological parameters in newborns with delayed intrauterine development", 1993 Dnipropetrovsk.

Main directions of work and scientific research: neonatology.

Graduated from Odessa Medical Institute. MI Pyrogov on specialty "Pediatrics". Worked as a district pediatrician and apprentice. Studied in clinical residency. Since 1986 till now - assistant of the Department of Pediatrics №1 ОNMedU. Consultant of the departments of physiology, pathology and intensive care of newborns of maternity hospital №5. Improved qualification in Kiev, Lviv. Coach of the cycle of the international program "Primary neonatal intensive care", responsible executor of the program "Syndrome of sudden death in children in the Odessa region model". The author and co-author of more than 30 publications, 4 patents for invention.

Sen'kivska Lyudmila Ivanovna

Assistant, MD

Subject of the dissertation: "Clinical significance of psychoemotional status in children with ill-treatment syndrome and its correction".

Main directions of work and scientific research: general pediatrics, pediatric pulmonology, bioethics.

Graduated from Odessa National Medical University, specializing in "Pediatrics" in 2009. Since 2009 she studied at an internship on the basis of Odesa regional Hospital. Since 2011, the assistant of the Department of Pediatrics No. 1. He teaches pediatrics and bioethics in Russian and Ukrainian. Clinical Research Coordinator.

Kozhevin Roman Vladimirovich


The theme of the planned candidate's thesis: "Clinical significance of probiotics in the prevention and treatment of antibiotic-associated diarrhea in children".

Main directions of work and scientific research: pediatric gastroenterology, genetics, modern methods of research in pediatrics, orphan and metabolic diseases.

Graduated with honors from Odessa State Medical University, specializing in "Pediatrics". He studied in the magistracy and graduate school at the Department of Pediatrics No. 1 and Neonatology. Since 2010, the assistant of the department. He teaches pediatrics and bioethics in Russian, Ukrainian and English. Consultant of the Gastroenterology Department of Odesa regional Hospital. The author and co-author of 17 publications. Participant in the conference of the European Society for Research in Pediatrics, Hamburg, Germany 2009. Internship in the program "The East European Network of Excellence for Research and Development in Chronic Diseases CHRONEX-RD", collaboration with the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Grigore T. Popa (Romania) and the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy "N. Participant in the MPSI Master Classes (Manchester, England, 2015) and MPSII (Vienna, Austria 2017) on Orpheum Diseases, participant in the Excellence in Pediatrics (EiP) Conference, UAE, 2014.

Torbinsky Larisa Ivanovna

Assistant, MD

Graduated with honors from the Odessa State Medical Institute named after M.I. Pirogov on a specialty "Pediatrics".

Theme of the dissertation: "Pathogenetic substantiation of correction of metabolic disorders with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in the early neonatal period". Works as a neonatologist at the department of pathology of newborns of Odesa regional Hospital.

Main directions of work and scientific research: neonatology, bioethics.

Voloshyuk Tatiana Vladimirovna

Assistant, MD

Graduated from Odessa National Medical University in 2011

The theme of the dissertation: "The Effect of Passive Smoking on the Clinical Features of Respiratory Pathology in Children"

The Basic directions of work and scientific research: pediatrics, immunology, diseases of young children

Selimkhanova Diana Seyfulkhailina


Graduated with honors from Odessa National Medical University. Internship took place on the basis of IDCS from 2009 to 2011. From 2011 to present, family doctor Usatovskaya outpatient clinic of general practice of family medicine. Since 2015, UNICEF is a child vaccination trainer.

Fedorova Olena Vitalievna


Graduated from Odessa National Medical University in 2006. From 2008 to 2014, he worked as a family doctor in the Priliman Outpatient Clinic of General Family Medicine. Since 2014 the doctor of the reception and diagnostic department of the Odessa regional children's clinical hospital.

Areas of interest: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of infants.

Talashova Irina Victorivna


Graduated from Odessa National Medical University. From 2015, the doctor of the reception and diagnostic department of the Odessa Regional Children's Clinical Hospital.

Areas of interest: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of infants.