About Us

Our Founder

Panchali Parbhoo

Panchali Parbhoo is a high school student from Toronto, Canada. She was diagnosed with Benign Rolandic Epilepsy at 2 and a half years old. Like most children with Benign Rolandic Epilepsy, she eventually stopped having seizures once she entered her 'tweens. For people with other types of Epilepsy, this isn't always the case. After the death of actor Cameron Boyce due to SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy), his family founded The Cameron Boyce Foundation (TCBF). TCBF provides funding to the many causes Cameron Boyce cared about. Including Epilepsy Research. Inspired by Cameron and his family, Panchali founded "Pedal For Purple" to raise money for Epilepsy Canada, a charity funding Epilepsy Research in Canada.

Epilepsy Canada

Epilepsy Canada was founded in 1966. They have funded research at Queen’s University, SickKids Hospital, University of Toronto, McGill University, BC Epilepsy Society, QE ll Health Sciences Centre, University of Calgary, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Toronto Western Hospital, University of British Columbia, Toronto Western Research Institute, CHU Sainte-Justine, University of Waterloo, IWK Health Centre Dalhousie University and the University of Western Ontario.

"Epilepsy Canada is a registered Canadian charity dedicated to positively affecting the lives of those living with epilepsy. It's sole mandate is to raise money for epilepsy research with an objective of finding a cure. It demonstrates the need for research by highlighting key issues related to those whose seizures cannot be controlled through existing medication and treatments and the tragic cases of SUDEP (Sudden Unexplained Death from Epilepsy). Through its active financial support of epilepsy research, it strives to help the Canadian neurology community find a cure for epilepsy."

To learn more about Epilepsy Canada, check out their site at https://www.epilepsy.ca/