Pecan Park Grove LLC

Real Estate Inspection, Investment & Consultation Services

Inspections To Suite Your Needs: 

We Specialize in Property Management Inspections: 

Winnemucca Lots For Sale/Partners Welcome

Winnemucca is growing! Most recently  Lithium mines have come on line, however Reno Nevada's expansion and post Covid attitudes about homesteading have also contributed to Winnemucca rapidly becoming a homesteading destination.

The lots we sell, in the Blue Mountain Ranches development, have  a central road, access to water, are the right distance from major urban areas, Winnemucca and all major roads in the area.   We own the last select lots off Jungo road! Lots are sold out in all but the most remote areas... miles off the main road. 

We have partnered with a gifted contractor to offer aspiring lot purchasers a tiny cabin in which to homestead.   

Contact Info Pecan Park Grove

Darrell Simon  CEO 415.440.1316 Fax 877.560.6887

         Lisa Simon CEO  443.462.2336