The Pearl Siren Ring features a freshwater pearl that's surrounded by ten diamonds that shine from a delicate gold band. As its name suggests, this piece was inspired by sirens, the mythological creatures that have the power of enchantment. We all have people, places, or experiences that have a call we can't resist. What is it for you?

Perhaps you've noticed a theme here. Incoming questions are a universal constant, all around us in countless billions. But answers -- truly brilliant, amazing, correct answers -- are as rare as pearls. Thus, questions are merely the sand that produces the pearl. If we have learned anything in the last three years, it is that you optimize for pearls, not sand.

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Consider the question Does torture work well as an interrogation technique? on Skeptics. Is this a brilliant question? Is it even an original question? No, it's just a mundane grain of sand question that could have been asked by anyone at any time. What makes it remarkable is the incredible answer on that question by Larian LeQuella with over 100 upvotes. Sand, meet pearl. That's why we're determined to keep question quality high, even at the cost of refusing a little sand. It's true that you can't have Q&A; without questions, but having the wrong sorts of questions is far more dangerous. The fastest way to kill any Q&A; site is to flood it with low-quality questions. I think Mark Trapp summed it up best in this meta answer:

Kojima Pearl Company is a unique venue for nearly every variety of both natural and cultured pearls. In conjunction with Pacific Pearls we offer Akoya pearls, Chinese fresh water pearls, Japan Kasumi pearls (fresh water pearls from Lake Kasumi-ga-ura, Japan), South Sea pearls as well as Tahitian pearls. We also carry natural wild pearls such as abalone pearls, conch pearls, oyster pearls, scallop pearls, quahog pearls, and American fresh water pearls. The Kojima website is a showcase for all of our one of a kind jewelry, as well as loose pearls and strands. Working closely with small fresh water pearl farmers in Lake Kasumi ga Ura, Japan, as well as the Sea of Cortez pearl farm in Mexico, we encourage ethical and environmentally sound farming practices. Enjoy the site and feel free to ask me any questions you have! Cheers, Sarah

This has kept me up part of the night. I was looking at a very

simple piece of jewelry in a store yesterday. Part of the design

had pearls on gold wire. The wire was soldered onto another

piece and at the tip of the wire the gold was balled to keep the

pearl on. How did this person solder the wire onto another

component, put the pearl on the wire and then ball the end of the

gold wire without trashing the pearl from the heat? I have

glued metal into pearls when I wanted a similar effect but I

never tried to heat up an end of wire with a pearl on it. I know

this may sound really naive, but how did they do it?

DeDe, They probably had the pearl in a glass of water when they

balled the wire or else they might have used a product called

Heat Shield. It comes in a paste form and is just what it says. I

use it in repair work to cover heat sensative stones when

retipping settings in the same mounting (not ones with stones in

them). works great been using it for years. Frank

Pearls are one of the most misunderstood gems because industry educational programs focus primarily on diamonds and colored stones. Many accredited gemologists have very little knowledge or understanding of the different types and qualities of pearls available.

Happy Tuesday friends! Can you believe Christmas morning is only 20 days away?! That means we have just a few more days to order everything so it will ship and arrive on time. Check out a few things I am loving for the kids in this weeks pearl! I hope you find these helpful! Don't forget to ... READ MOREĀ 

Do you know what a pearl begins with? A pearl begins with a humble piece of grit - an annoying irritant that the oyster coats with layer upon lustrous layer of nacre in an effort to protect itself from the unwanted invader.

I have always wanted to write, so I began to write and, more importantly, finish and share what I started. I also wanted to raise money for PSC research which as anyone in the PSC community knows is desperately needed. Before I even published my first book I decided that I would donate 10% of the after-tax royalties of everything I wrote to the wonderful PSC Partners organization for PSC research. Yesterday I sent in a donation of $2000 - not my first royalty donation and certainly not my last. If I can play even an infinitesimal part in finding future PSC treatments and maybe one day a cure then voila! Another positive change. Another pearl.

A high school friend who lives in the States messaged me out of the blue to say that she donated a kidney to a fellow parent at her children's school in part because of my social media postings. To think that because of something I posted or wrote that a father is now living free of dialysis and can look forward to a healthy, active future with his children...a gigantic pearl.

The oyster or mussel slowly secretes layers of aragonite and conchiolin, materials that also make up its shell. This creates a material called nacre, also known as mother-of-pearl, which encases the irritant and protects the mollusc from it.

Over the past 20 years, Jeremy Shepherd has traveled to pearl producing areas all over the world creating relationships with pearl farmers, exporters, and people dedicated to supporting the pearl industry.

Ā Hisano, fascinated with the art of jewelry making since early childhood, has channeled that passion into her career as a designer and educator in the jewelry world and now serves as Pearl Paradise's Chief Creative Officer.Ā 

Ā Together, they form the power duo behind Pearl Paradise.

Among other famous Tiffany pearls are the seed pearl bracelet, earrings, necklace and brooch given by President Abraham Lincoln to his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, on the occasion of his first inauguration. The pearl set currently resides in The Library of Congress, in Washington, D.C.

Yes you can use more than 1. Thanks. Thought it might be a nice high-level item for a Paladin. AUC.register('auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay'); AjaxBusy.register('masked', 'busy', 'auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay', null, null) Caineach Jan 30, 2012, 05:57 am In fact, its pretty standard practice in my games for wizards to wear pearl neclaces.

Indeed, my Arcane Trickster has two pearl earings...:) Doubles as "at least 50gp of jewelry" for a courtier's outfit :) AUC.register('auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay'); AjaxBusy.register('masked', 'busy', 'auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay', null, null) Kevin Andrew Murphy Contributor Jan 30, 2012, 04:09 pm My druid has three pearl earrings and is going to get a fourth.

There is no RAW limit to pearls. There has been lots of discussion about the need to house rule limits to them. So far in my campaigns nobody has abused them to the point that I feel a need to do something about them.

Why limit them? For 1k*spell level squared is expensive enough to prevent abuse alone. For 1k I could buy 8 level 1 cl 5 scrolls that I can use once a round. Since most 1st level spells cap at cl 5 for usefulness, this would be pretty equitable. To use a pearl in combat I have to spend 2 rounds to do what I can in one with a scroll. Heck if I didnt care about it being cl 1, I can get 40 scrolls for 1k or a 50 charge wand for 750...A singular pearl is only once a day...Having played many casters I have seldom used any given pearl more than 20 times...

At the end of combat I use my pearls to replenish spells I cast. So they are ready for the next combat. If I had enough pearls, I'd be able to use all my spells in one combat and then replenish them all for the next.So you don't really take two rounds to use them, at least not two combat rounds.

We use it in our campaign, and it's the reason that my Druid doesn't have any pearls yet. (prioritized other things higher). The druid in question has been in a series of adventure modules. The WBL is not being used as a cap. I don't use the cap in my campaigns either, although I would be very surprised if I was even close to the cap.Here is what my level 8 druid currently owns:

Once you have one pearl at a level you can generally avoid taking duplicates in your fixed slots which allows you to take one of everything including the less often used but more fun spells like disguise self, unseen servant, etc. or just to achieve a wider toolbox of spells to draw upon daily.

As far as scrolls vs pearls of power are concerned, I don't equate a single scroll with a single use of the pearl. The pearl is far more flexible than buying scrolls. Since I use my pearls pretty much every day when adventuring, I would have had to haul an implausibly large collection of scrolls to achieve the same effect, plus assuming I would be using the scrolls in combat, I would have to invest a move action for every scroll use to get the scroll out. Just not comparable, imho. e24fc04721

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