Google Classroom

Google Classroom is part of the G Suite for Education.

Teachers can use it to communicate with their students, share resources, and organize assignments.

Locally-Created Resources

Google Classroom | April 24, 2020

G-Suite & Classroom (VT and AGE) - May 2020

This presentation was provided to all boards from the VT and AGE sectors on May 1, 2020. It can be accessed at this link or by clicking on the accompanying image.

Google Meet & Classroom (LBPSB) - May 2020

This webinar was provided to CCBE (Common Core Basic Education) teachers from Sources Adult Centre, LBPSB. The webinar was designed for Quebec General Adult Education (AGE) teachers but the majority of the content applies to Vocational Training (VT) teachers too.

The session was recorded on May 7, 2020. The playlist of videos can be accessed at this link or clicking on the accompanying image. The videos have been edited for length and are divided into chapters for easier navigation.