FAQs for Mentors/Supervisors:

Q: I already gave my mentor profile to C2F before in the past. Do I have to re-fill the Mentor Profile Registration form again?
A: Yes. Since the application process has been transferred to the Faculty of Engineering and there has been some changes in the selection criteria and the workflow, we urge that mentors fill the forms created by the Faculty of Engineering.

Q: Do I have to re-fill my Mentor Profile for every postdoctoral applicant who wants to work with me?
A: No, you do not have to re-fill your Mentor Profile separately for every applicant. One Mentor Profile will be evaluated in conjunction with all postdoctoral applications to determine eligibility for admission. In fact, whenever you fill out a new Mentor Profile, your newest profile will override the older ones, and the older ones will be ignored.

Q: My profile has changed. What should I do?
A: You can use the link you received in your email to update your profile as frequently as needed except during the blocked period (to be announced) in which time the staff will temporarily freeze access to your profile to process applications. Other than that, you can update your profile at any time. The ideal situation would be that you update your profile right around when your prospective postdoctoral applicant submits his/her application. Otherwise, you could do it at least once a year because your older publications can become outdated for evaluation purposes. For instance, in year 2024, the publications that will be considered are the ones published in 2021, 2022, 2023 (3 full calendar years) and 2024 (plus the current partial year). If you have any papers published in 2020, they will not be used as part of your profile, and you may be at a disadvantage.

FAQs for Postdoctoral Applicants:

Q: How do I find a mentor? Can the Faculty of Engineering recommend a mentor for me?
A: Usually, a mentor and a postdoc know each other before applying. As they will be intensely working on research together, their prior relationship is essential to future success. If currently you don't land yourself with a mentor yet, we recommend that you learn about the research profile of a professor that you are interested in and communicate with him/her to see whether he/she would be willing to accept you under his/her supervision or not.

Q: Can I still apply for either the GS or the C2F postdoctoral position at the Faculty of Engineering through the Graduate School or C2F like before?
A: No. Starting in July 2023, all new applicants will have to apply for these postdoctoral positions through the Faculty of Engineering.

Q: I am not a new applicant. I am renewing my current contract. How do I do that?
A: If your current contract ends on or before  September 30th, 2023, for GS, or October 31st, 2023, for C2F you will have to contact the respective headquarter (i.e. either the Graduate School or C2F) of your fellowship to renew the contract. Otherwise, your contract renewal will be handled by the Faculty of Engineering. Please stay tuned for further information on this website. (Updated September 28th, 2023)

Q: I used to be a GS/C2F postdoctoral researcher at some point in the past. Then, I decided to leave the program to pursue another career. Now, I want to return to the GS/C2F program again. What do I do?
A: You will have to apply as a new applicant.

Q: Are the requirements for postdoctoral researcher positions offered by the Faculty of Engineering different from those originally set by the Graduate School or C2F?
A: Yes, a few requirements have been tailored for the Faculty of Engineering.

Q: Can I apply to both the GS and the C2F fellowship programs?
A: Yes, you can apply to both programs concurrently or sequentially (depending on the application schedule). You will have to fill out the online application forms separately. However, if you get accepted into both, you will have to choose only one. Your decision will be made through signing the employment contract, which is legally bound.

Q: I am currently in the GS program. I want to switch to C2F. Do I have to apply for C2F or can I just get transferred?
A: GS and C2F are separate programs. If you want to switch from GS to C2F (and vice versa), you will have to fill out the application forms as a new applicant.

Q: I am currently in the GS program under the regular/industrial track. I want to switch to the senior track. What should I do?
A: You will have to apply as a new applicant. 

Q: If I get rejected, will I have to re-fill the application form when I decide to re-apply for a different round?
A: Yes, for postdoctoral applicants, you will have to re-fill the online application form every time you want to apply. (This is different from the mentor's application.)

Q: I have been accepted into the intended fellowship program, but I find out later that I cannot start working on the specified date. Can I postpone my the work start date to one of my choice?
A: No, you may not choose a different date to start your employment. Due to a very limited number of offers available in each round, there is very little room for flexibility. If you forfeit your offer in a specific round, the next available applicant will fill up the vacancy.