the jung LAB



Pharmaceutical chemistry (약품화학 전공)

The Pharmaceutical Chemistry Lab (a.k.a. the Jung Lab) at Kyungpook National University employs the power of synthetic organic chemistry for the discovery and development of molecules-of-interest, at the interface of biology and medicine. As parts of this study, students and members of our group design and synthesize small molecules, natural products, and conjugates with various biological activities, evaluate chemical properties of the synthesized molecules, and develop those molecules as potential candidates of drugs. We use open or commercial sources for the design and optimization of molecules, and are willing to try using cutting-edge technologies in the area of synthetic organic chemistry as well as medicinal chemistry. Synthetic tools and methods are also explored or developed to overcome practical hurdles in the conventional synthetic methods.

the Jung Lab, 2024

oPEN Position: graduate student (MS, Phd)

Get in touch with us at []

Member of BK21Plus(4):

Management of Emerging Infectious Disease

Member of MRC:

Vessel-Organ Interaction Research Center (VOICE)