
Meet our 2020-2021 Interact Board!

Olivia Blaufuss - President

Hi! My name is Olivia Blaufuss and I'm so excited to be your president this year! I am a senior at Canton High School. I am currently involved with congress, Link Crew, FCA, and Warriors For A Healthy Mind! I am passionate about leadership and serving others!

Fun facts:

  • I love to travel and I have been to over 20 countries outside the United States.
  • My second time driving a golf cart I got pulled over.
  • I LOVE accents, my favorite is a mad Australian.

Maggie Clark - Co-Vice President

Hey! My name is Maggie Clark and I’m a senior at Canton high school. I love traveling, hiking, snowboarding, swimming, and hanging out with friends. I also work as a lifeguard at Castle Gardens and at Dairy King. I’m super excited to be one of the co-vice presidents for the 2020-21 school year!

Fun facts: I saw Lil Wayne when I was in the Bahamas in third grade and I love Açaí bowls.

Anna Gill - Co-Vice President

Hi! My name is Anna Gill and I’m a senior at Canton high school. I love reading, writing, traveling, and spending time with friends and family. I am honored to be serving on the Executive board of the Rotary Interact Club, along with Canton Congress, and the Michigan Student Board of Delegates!

Fun facts: I am fluent in more than three languages! Generally, I can speak about 6 languages :)