
“The greatest love has no handle” (November 2013) [Paul Dominic Gray ~ born April 17th 1947]

“Life is like planting a plant. It will grow well if we work hard to take care of it.” (Emmy Faryda ~ 4th July 2012)

“To see and hear is one thing, to look and listen quite another. The difference is the world” (20th May 2010) [Paul Dominic Gray ~ born April 17th 1947]

“Those who would do no harm suffer the most” (13th May 2010) [Paul Dominic Gray ~ born April 17th 1947]

“If you follow God you have nowhere to lay your head” (20th August 1996) [Paul Dominic Gray ~ born April 17th 1947]

“To those who have so little, so little means so much, but when it is taken away it hurts” (16th August 1996) [Paul Dominic Gray ~ born April 17th 1947]

“The deeper you go, conversely, as high your spirit flies” (29th August 1996) [Paul Dominic Gray ~ born April 17th 1947]

“Those people who have nothing treasure every moment” (4th May 2010) [Paul Dominic Gray ~ born April 17th 1947]

“The least we have the wiser we are” (4th May 2010) [Paul Dominic Gray ~ born April 17th 1947]

“Your soul has to be fragile in order to grow” (13th September 1996) [Paul Dominic Gray ~ born April 17th 1947]

“We are on this earth to learn about love, and the greatest is of friendship, for all is given freely with no thought of return” (March 2010) [Paul Dominic Gray ~ born April 17th 1947]

“Of all the ingenious and cruel satires that from the beginning till now have been stuck like knives into womankind, surely there is not one so lacerating to them, and to us who love them, as the trite old fact, that the most wretched of men can, in the twinkling of an eye, find a wife ready to be more wretched still for the sake of his company” [Thomas Hardy ~ 1840 – 1928 ~ from his book Desperate Remedies, published in 1871]

“Not failure but low aim is crime” [Fay Inchfawn ~ December 2nd, 1880 - April 16th 1978 ~ from her book Sweet Water and Bitter]

“There is nothing stronger in the world than gentleness” [Han Suyin ~ born September 12, 1917 ~ from the book A Many Splendoured Thing]