Lab Meetings

I chair a bi-weekly machine learning group meeting that brings together my PhD students and students from my taught modules, specifically those enrolled in FDS2 and AML. This meeting serves as a valuable platform for the students from my taught modules to gain exposure to the latest advancements in technology and the research challenges being tackled by my PhD students. The feedback received from the students has been highly positive, highlighting the beneficial nature of this collaborative learning environment. If you are interested in attending this meeting, please feel free to get in touch.

ML Group Meeting, Dec 2023

UK and EU's AI Strategies, Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology, 28 Nov 2023

Digital Forensic: Data-driven Attribution and Correlation, Supreme Prosecutors' Office of the Republic of Korea, London, 16 May 2023

Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship (MASS): A Legislative Perspective, KMOU South Korea, Prof. HD Jeon's Lab, 9 Feb 2023

Physics-informed Neural Network, NICIE Lab, KAIST, South Korea, 14 Dec 2022

A Machine-learning Framework for Enhancing Hyperspectral Images, Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC), Dubai, 1 Dec 2022