
Amateur Astrophotographer

Recently I've discovered the art of mobile astrophotography, along with the regular astrophotography with high-end cameras. Here are some of my clicks. Usually, there is a lot of time exposure, stacking, and editing involved in these photos. I'm also very fond of portraits and nature photography and am spending time learning the arts.


I am a big fan of the science fiction series Doctor Who. My love for the TARDIS and TENnant is big (it's rather ginormous on the inside). Here are some of my all time favourite dialogues from the series. I'll keep on adding.

  • I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye.

  • Allonsy

  • Geronimo

Never be cruel, Never be cowardly.

Remember, hate is always foolish, and love is always wise.

Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind.

Laugh hard. Run fast. Be kind.

Other Pop Cultures

  • The man from Earth

  • Harry Poter:- Let's face it, we all want Hogwarts to be real and still wait for our letters. After all this time? Always.

  • F.R.I.E.N.D.S. :- They were on a break.

  • The Alchemist

  • Shiva Trilogy


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Follow my Instagram page for finding my new clicks and videos to venture into the world of Astronomy.
