The preparations no one wants to make but should.

Whether imminent or eventual, the notion of death is frightening in large part due to the helplessness we feel when it happens. This workshop aims to give participants a sense of control by understanding the implications and administrative requirements of a death in the family.

Your Planning Phases


Get ahead of the situation with an awareness of documents that you can secure, assets to manage, and resources to consolidate while your loved one is around to answer your questions (and sign stuff!). And while there is time, identify any issues and create your contingencies.


Death triggers a chain of events that can be overwhelming. A well laid-out plan helps you get through this difficult time when the most critical steps are ready for implementation. Know what you’ll need to save you from bad and/or expensive decisions made under a cloud of grief.


Some of the hardest times come after a loved one is buried. Ease the difficulty of your new reality by understanding what you need to navigate when settling and closing their affairs.

For more information or to arrange for a workshop, please send a message to