Professional Learning Opportunities
Conferences and Ongoing Opportunities
Academic Academies
Faculty Leadership Institute
Curriculum Institute
Online Learning
Other Networks
Scholarships & Funding Opportunities
Part-Time Faculty often aren't reimbursed for conference, research, or publication expenses. Here are some tips for getting funding and easing the impact on your wallet.
Apply for the ASCCC Innovation Scholarship
Ask your department chair or local academic senate for funding resources
If you're still in school, ask your graduate studies department for a list of funding sources. Masters, PhD, and ABD candidates all qualify for these funds - which are a significant part of your graduate career!
Other campus organizations (like the faculty union) may have or can direct you to funding
Previous Opportunities & Learning
2021 Part-Time Nexus
ACHRO / EEO presentation: Hiring, Teaching Demos, and Reading Job Bulletins
Sample Cover Letter
CV Sample

CV Sample

Cover Letter Sample

Hiring, Teaching Demos, and Reading Job Bulletins
From our friends at ACHRO