
Publications related to PARSEME-IT are listed here.


  • Savary, A., Candito, M., Mititelu, V. B., Bejček, E., Cap, F., Čéplö, S., Cap, F. Čéplö, S., Cordeiro S.R., Eryiğit, G., Giouli, V., van Gompel, M. HaCohen-Kerner, Y., Kovalevskaitė, J., Krek, S., Liebeskind, C., Monti, J., Parra Escartín, C., van der Plas, L., QasemiZadeh, B., Ramisch, C., Sangati, F., Stoyanova, I., Vincze, V., & HaCohen-Kerner, Y. (2018, October). PARSEME multilingual corpus of verbal multiword expressions. In Multiword expressions at length and in depth: Extended papers from the MWE 2017 workshop (Vol. 2, p. 87). Language Science Press.

  • Nicolas L., Lyding V., Bentivogli L. , Sangati F. , Monti J. , Russo I., Gretter R. and Falavigna D. (2018) EnetCollect in Italy in CLIC-It 2018 Proceedings - Turin 10-12 December 2018

  • Monti J. , Caruso V. and Di Buono M.P. (2018). PARSEME-IT - Issues in verbal Multiword Expressions identification and classification in CLIC-It 2018 Proceedings - Turin 10-12 December 2018

  • Monti J., Cordeiro S.R., Ramisch C., Sangati F., Savary A., Vincze V. (2018) Advances in Multiword Expression Identification for the Italian language: The PARSEME shared task edition 1.1. in CLIC-It 2018 Proceedings - Turin 10-12 December 2018

  • Sangati F., Pascucci A., Monti J. (2018) Exploiting Multiword Expressions to solve “La Ghigliottina” in the Proceedings of EVALITA 2018 - Turin 12 -13 December 2018

  • Ramisch C., Cordeiro S., Savary A., Vincze V., Barbu M., Verginica B., Archna; Buljan M.; Candito M.; Parra Escartín C., Gantar P., Giuoli V., Gungor T., Hawwari A., Iñurrieta U., Kovalevskaite J., Krek S., Lichte T., Liebeskind C., Monti J., Qasemizadeh B., Ramisch R., Schneider N., Stoyanova I., Vaidya A. and Walsh A. (2018) Edition 1.1 of the PARSEME Shared Task on automatic identification of verbal multiword expressions. In the Joint Workshop on Linguistic Annotation, Multiword Expressions and Constructions (LAW-MWE-CxG-2018) (pp. 222-240).

  • Monti J., Mitkov R., Corpas Pastor G., Seretan V. (eds), (2018) Multi-word Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins (

  • Monti J, Mitkov R, Corpas Pastor G, Seretan V, (2018) Survey about Multi-word unit processing in Machine Translation and Translation Technology. In: Monti J, Mitkov R, Corpas Pastor G, Seretan V (Eds), Multi-word Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology. Amsterdam, Philadelphia:John Benjamins. (


  • Constant, M., Eryiğit, G., Monti, J., Van Der Plas, L., Ramisch, C., Rosner, M., & Todirascu, A. (2017). Multiword expression processing: a survey. Computational Linguistics, 1-92 (

  • Mitkov R, Monti J, Corpas Pastor G, Seretan V, (eds.). (forthcoming). Workshop Proceedings Multi-word units in Machine Translation and Translation Technologies - MUMTTT2015, 1-2 July 2015, Malaga Spain, Geneva, Editions Tradulex. (PARSEME countries: Italy, Switzerland)

  • Monti J., di Buono M.P., Sangati, F. (2017) PARSEME-It Corpus An annotated Corpus of Verbal Multiword Expressions in Italian. In: CLIC-It 2017 Proceedings - Rome 11-13 December 2017. (



  • Monti, J., Sangati, F., & Arcan, M. (2015). TED-MWE: a bilingual parallel corpus with MWE annotation. Towards a methodology for annotating MWEs in parallel multilingual corpora. CLiC it, 193. ( (

  • Monti J., Monteleone M., Silberztein M., di Buono M.P.(eds) , (2015) Formalizing Natural Languages with Nooj – 2014 – Sassari, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

  • Monti, J., Monteleone, M., di Buono, M. P. (2015) A Knowledge-Based CLIR Model for Specific Domain Collections in Monti J., Monteleone M., Silberztein M., di Buono M.P.(eds) , (2015) Formalizing Natural Languages with Nooj – 2014 – Sassari, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


  • Monti, J, Elia A, Monteleone M, Postiglione A, Marano F (2014). Linguistically motivated knowledge management: exploitation of language resources for NLP applications. In: (a cura di): Fryni Kakoyianni-Doa, Penser le Lexique-grammaire - Perspctives actuelles. p. 399-412, PARIS:Editions Honoré Champion,


  • Elia A., Marano F., Monteleone M., Monti J., Napoli A., Postiglione A., Vellutino D. (2013). “Applicazioni di NLP per il web semantico: il trattamento delle polirematiche terminologiche nel dominio della medicina”. In P. Collesi, A. Serpente, M. T. Zanola (eds) Terminologie e Ontologie. Definizioni e comunicazione fra norma e uso. EDUCatt: 39-50.

  • Monti J, Mitkov R, Corpas Pastor G, Seretan V (eds) (2013). MT Summit workshop proceedings for: Multi-word Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology (Organised at the 14th Machine Translation Summit). p. 1-71, CH-4123 Allschwil: The European Association for Machine Translation, (