

Our automatic player of the Ghigliottina game, part of the L'Eredità TV show, is now available on Twitter ( and on Telegram ( Play with us!

Evalita 2018 - NLP4FUN

Our system UNIOR4NLP resulted the winner in the competition. For more details: Federico Sangati, Antonio Pascucci, Johanna Monti Evalita - NLP4FUN Exploiting Multiword Expressions to solve “La Ghigliottina”.

Poster @CLiC-it 2018

Johanna Monti, Silvio Ricardo Cordeiro, Carlos Ramisch, Federico Sangati, Agata Savary, Veronika Vincze - Advances in Multiword Expression Identification for the Italian language: The PARSEME shared task edition 1.1

Johanna Monti, Valeria Caruso, Maria Pia di Buono - PARSEME-IT - Issues in verbal Multiword Expressions identification and classification

Lionel Nicolas , Verena Lyding , Luisa Bentivogli , Federico Sangati , Johanna Monti , Irene Russo, Roberto Gretter , Daniele Falavigna - EnetCollect in Italy


Oral presentation @ CLiC-It 2017 (Rome, December 11-13)

Johanna Monti, Maria Pia di Buono and Federico Sangati - PARSEME-It Corpus An annotated Corpus of Verbal Multiword Expressions in Italian


New edition (1.1) of the PARSEME shared task on automatic identification of verbal MWEs (2018)

Language Leader: Johanna Monti,

Italian Annotators: Valeria Caruso, Maria Pia di Buono, Antonio Pascucci, Annalisa Raffone, Anna Riccio.

Technical support: Federico Sangati


Invited talk about PARSEME-It Corpus An annotated Corpus of Verbal Multiword Expressions in Italian ( at Research Group in Computational Linguistics (RGCL) - University of Wolverhampton (UK)


PARSEME Shared Task on identification of Verbal Multiword expression - edition 1.0 (2017):

Language Leader: Johanna Monti,

Italian Annotators: Valeria Caruso, Maria Pia di Buono, Anna De Santis, Manuela Cherchi, Annalisa Raffone

Technical support: Federico Sangati


PARSEME shared task on automatic identification of verbal MWEs - edition 1.0 (2017) - Annotation guidelines with examples for the Italian language

The annotation guidelines provide detailed definitions, examples and linguistic tests to guide your decision as to whether a given combination in Italian is a verbal multiword expression.

If you spot errors or if something remains unclear after reading the guidelines, please contact us and we'll do our best to correct the problems.

Available at:


Invited talk about PARSEME-It Corpus An annotated Corpus of Verbal Multiword Expressions in Italian (