PAst seminars

Spring 2023

June 12: Yves Zenou (Monash University)
"Ethnic Mixing in Early Childhood: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment and a Structural Model"
(with Vincent Boucher, Semih Tumen, Michael Vlassopoulos, and Jackline Wahba)

May 15: Christina Felfe (U Würzburg)
"On the Formation of Ingroup Bias: The Role of Ethnic Diversity and Cultural Distance"

April 17: Joint workshop with IC Migrations 

Venue: Collège de France (

April 3: Tommaso Frattini (U Milano)
"From Refugees to Citizens: Returns to Naturalization and Labour Market Outcomes"
(with Francesco Fasani and Maxime Pirot)

March 20: Sylvie Démurger (IAO Lyon/CNRS)
"Migration and financial inclusion: Evidence from rural Chinese households"
(with Anna Jolivet)

March 13: Osea Giuntella (U Pittsburgh)
"Ethnic Churches, Enclave Neighborhoods and Immigrant Assimilation During the Age of Mass Migration"
(with Ran Abramitsky and Leah Boustan)

February 13: Sara Signorelli (U Amsterdam)
"Talent Flows and the Geography of Knowledge Production: Causal Evidence from Multinational Firms"
(with D. Bahar, P. Choudhury, J. Sappenfield)

January 30: Mariapia Mendola (U Milano Bicocca)
"The Political Backlash to Refugee Settlement: Cultural and Economic Drivers"
(with Francesco Campo, Sara Giunti, and Giulia Tura)

Fall 2022

December 5: David de la Croix (UC Louvain)

"Winners and Losers from the Protestant Reformation: An Analysis of the Network of European Universities"

(with Pauline Morault)

November 21: Joint seminar with IC Migrations

Andrea Cinque (CES)

Jérôme Gonnot (CEPII)

Francesco Lissoni (Université de Bordeaux)

Guglielmo Zappalà (PSE)

October 17: Jan Stuhler (U. Carlos III de Madrid)

"Immigration and Monopsony: Evidence Across the Distribution of Firms"

Spring 2022

June 22: Clément Imbert (University of Warwick)
"Floating population: consumption and location choices of rural migrants in China"
(with Joan Monras, Marlon Seror, and Yanos Zylberberg)

June 14: Patricia Cortés (Boston University)
"Globalization of Home Production and the Outcomes of Highly Skilled Native Women"

June 8: Samuel Bazzi (UC San Diego - School of Global Policy & Strategy)
"Information, Intermediaries, and International Migration"
(with Lisa Cameron, Simone Schaner, and Firman Witoelar)

and Martín Fernández Sánchez (LISER)
"Close Neighbors, Skills, and Immigrants’ Performance"
(with Frédéric Docquier and Fabio Mariani)

May 21: Miguel Sánchez Romero (Vienna Institute of Demography)
"Redistributive effects of pension reforms: Who are the winners and losers?"

and Montserrat Botey (Sciences Po)
"Not Taxing Imputed Rent: a gift to Scrooge? Evidence from France"
(with Guillaume Chapelle)

March 30: Christian Dustmann (UCL)
"Labor Market Effects of Immigration – Identification and Interpretation"
(with Sebastian Otten, Uta Schönberg, and Jan Stuhler)

February 9: Olivier Bargain (Université de Bordeaux)
"Another Brick in the Wall. Immigration and Electoral Preferences: Direct Evidence from State Ballots?"

and Camilo Umana Dajud (CEPII)
"Free Trade Agreements and the Movement of Business People"