Paris Migration Economics seminar

The Paris Migration Economics Seminar is a bi-monthly lunch seminar which takes place on Mondays, from 12:30 to 13:30, at PSE (48 Boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris).

Most sessions consist of a one-hour presentation by an international researcher. Some sessions will be organised as short workshops with more than two speakers. The aim of this seminar series is to provide a forum for discussing high quality empirical and theoretical research on migration and population economics.

Schedule of Upcoming Seminars

Fall 2023

September 18: Giovanni Mastrobuoni (Collegio Carlo Alberto)

"Once Upon a Time in America: the Mafia and the Unions"
(with Andrea Matranga and Marta Troya-Martinez)

October 9: Alexander Yarkin (Brown University & LISER)

"Learning from the Origins"

November 6: Clement Imbert (University of Warwick & SciencesPo)

"Deforestation and Structural Change in Sub-Saharan Africa" 

(with Kenneth Houngbedji, Samuel Marshall, Julien Wolfersberger, and Liam Wren-Lewis) 

November 20: Cevat Giray Aksoy (EBRD, King's College London)

"Corruption Exposure, Political Trust, and Immigrants"

December 4: Pauline Rossi (Ecole Polytechnique - CREST)

"Long-run Impacts of Forced Labor Migration on Fertility Behaviors: 

Evidence from Colonial West Africa" 

(with Pascaline Dupas, Camille Falezan and Marie Christelle Mabeu)

December 11-12: 13th Annual Conference on "Immigration in OECD Countries"

with CEPII, LISER, the OECD, Fondazione Rodolfo De Benedetti, 

University of Lille (LEM) and University of Luxembourg

Spring 2024

January 25: ICM (Institut Convergences Migration) - PSE Workshop

Keynote speaker: Toman Barsbai (University of Bristol)

Collège de France - site Ulm

February 12: Martina Viarengo (Geneva Graduate Institute)

"Labour Market Integration, Local Conditions and Inequalities: 

Evidence from Refugees in Switzerland" 

(with Tobias Muller and Pia Pannatier)

February 26: Philipp Ager (Mannheim University)

"Gender-biased Technological Change: 

Milking Machines and the Exodus of Women from Farming" 

March 4: Giulia Briselli (ESCP)

"One Bed, Two Dreams: 

Female Migration, Conservative Norms and Foreign Brides in South Korea" 

March 18: Tommaso d’Amelio (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

"Inheritence and Migration: Evidence from 19th Century Italy" 

April 15: Riccardo Turati (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona )

"Immigration and Cultural Heterogeneity: Evidence from Two Decades in Europe" 

May 6: Mathilde Emeriau (SciencesPo Paris)

"In or Out? Xenophobic Violence and Immigration Integration. Evidence from 19th Century France" 

May 13: Ilse Ruyssen (Ghent University)

"Irrigation as Mitigator for Migratory Aspirations following Drought" 


The organisers are Hillel Rapoport (hillel.rapoport (a), Benjamin Michallet (benjamin.michallet (a), Artur Obminski (artur.obminski (a), Javier Soria Espín (javier-soria-espin (a), Donia Kamel (donia.kamel (a) and Bertille Evreux (bertille.evreux (a)

The operational contact is No Rakotovao (no.rakotovao (a)

This seminar is co-funded by a French government subsidy managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the framework of the Investissements d’avenir programme reference ANR-17-EURE-0001.

The seminar is supported by the International Migration Economics Chair at Paris School of Economics.

LOcation: PSE