Parental leave in academia

Data on parental leave policies across research institutions in the US and Canada


Mission of the project

Our goal is to provide information on the length of paid parental leave available to staff, graduate students, post-doctoral researchers and faculty at Canadian and U.S universities.



Data on the length of paid leave at 40 Canadian and 141 US universities, split by faculty, post-doc, graduate student, or staff.


These data are for anyone who want to learn more about parental leave policies in academia.


We wanted these policies to be easily accessible for anyone trying to make a decision about where to pursue their degree or apply for an academic position at an R1 university in Canada or the US.

Want to learn more?

If you are interested in using these data, please reach out. If you see an error or want to submit additional data, send us an email!


Questions? Send us an email!

amanda.j.gorton at

tessgrainger at