EMS students are expected to follow school rules.

Cell Phones

  • May only be used from 7:30 a.m.-7:50 a.m.

  • May only be used in the cafeteria or media center

  • Must be off and out of sight at all other times

  • Earbuds must be out of sight unless used in the classroom with permission

Hall Passes

  • Students must have a pre-printed hall pass to be out of class anytime except for passing periods

  • Passes must include the date, time, student name, and legible signature

Prohibited Clothing

Students are prohibited from wearing clothing that endangers health and safety and/or is likely to cause a disruption in school activities. This includes clothing that:

  • Contains profane, lewd, vulgar, or obscene language or images

  • Promotes alcohol, tobacco, or drugs of any kind

  • Is associated with gangs

Backpacks and bookbags

  • Must remain in lockers throughout the day


  • Students may only leave the cafeteria if they have a pass signed by a teacher

  • Students may not carry food out of the cafeteria unless escorted by a staff member