Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)

The PTSA is a forum for parents to learn, support, and influence what is happening in your school. As a member attending PTSA meetings, you help determine how the funds collected can be used for our school.

School activities supported by the PTSA:

· Eat, Meet & Greet

· International Night

· Game Night

· Staff Appreciation Lunches and Dinners

· 8th Grade Dance

· Reptiles at Outdoor Education (6th grade)

· Shakespeare Workshops (7th grade)

· Slam Poetry (8th grade)

· subscription for the entire school

Requests from teachers and staff to support a variety of smaller programs in the school through mini-grants. Some of these have included:

· Bringing the author of Red Scarf Girl for a 6th grade visit

· Enabling the Math Team to attend a competition

· Training Physical Education staff in archery

Eastern PTSA Officers for 2022-2023

President: Terry Seery

Vice President: Kristina Jeffers

Treasurer: Mark Ivcevich

Secretary: Elizabeth Weber Handwerker

Parent Listserv

The PTSA maintains a listserv for general announcements, and school and MCPS information. Parents may also use the listserv to ask questions of other Eastern parents. The address for subscribing to the listserv is:!forum/eastern-ptsa/join