

Homaloidal Polynomials and Gaussian Models of Maximum Likelihood Degree One with Shelby Cox and Pratik Misra, 2024

Causal Inference in Directed, Possibly Cyclic, Graphical Models with Elina Robeva, 2023

Log-Concave Density Estimation in Undirected Graphical Models with Kaie Kubjas, Olga Kuznetsova, Elina Robeva, and Luca Sodomaco, 2022


An Exponential Bound for Simultaneous Embeddings of Planar Graphs with Ritesh Goenka and Chi Hoi Yip, Graphs and Combinatorics, 2023

The Set of Orthogonal Tensor Trains with Elina Robeva, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics (special issue in honor of Bernd Sturmfels' 60th birthday), 2022