
Upcoming Events

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Eat Out Events

Stay tuned for the next event!

Events Calendar

Past Events

Poinsettia Sales - Winter

Thank you to everyone who purchases these beautiful plants every holiday season!

LOVE PAPA Auction Feb 2022

A huge THANK YOU to our generous auction donators and winners! We raised over $1,400!

Panda BamBOO Fall 2021

Your donated gift cards helped us sell 85 Mystery Bags!

Panda Mask Fundraiser Fall 2021

We sold 72 masks, thanks to our fantastic PAPA community!

Panda Masks and Popcorn Feb 2021

We sold  103 masks and 120 bags of popcorn!

We love you!

Poinsettia Sales Winter 2020

We sold 125 beautiful poinsettias! 

Great job, PAPA community!

Fantastic Fall Auction 2020

Our first online auction was a huge success!  We raised over $1,850.

Many thanks to all of the generous auction winners and supporters!

Panda Mask Fundraiser Fall 2020

Thanks to your generosity, we donated 146 masks to the school for students/staff in need!