Program and abstracts

The workshop will start at 1:30pm on Wednesday 3 and it will end at 3pm on Friday 5

You can find the titles and abstracts of the talks at this page and the titles and abstracts of the poster session at this page.

Conference program

Wednesday, July 3

13.30 Registration and welcome

14.00  N.Garofalo

15.00  Coffee Break

15.30  A.Lerario 

16.30  F.Tripaldi

Thursday, July 4

9.00  E.Trélat

10.00 Coffee Break

10.30  C.Letrouit 

11.30  F.Jean

12.30 Lunch

14.00  A.Kogoj

15.00  T.Rossi

16.00 Coffee Break

16.30 Poster session 


20.00 Dinner 


Friday, July 5

9.00  P.Mannucci

10.00 Coffee Break

10.30 T.Bossio

11.30  J.Pozuelo

12.30 Lunch

14.00 A.Julia