
Padua Paris Sub-Riemannian seminar

Padova, 3-5 July 2024

Aule Luzzatti (LuF1), via Luzzatti 6, Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Padova.

The PaPa24 workshop aims to bring together experts and young researchers in sub-Riemannian geometry and it naturally arises from active exchanges between the French and Italian communities in particular.

The workshop will start at 1:30pm on Wednesday 3 and it will end at 3pm on Friday 5.
You can find the conference progam together with a list of titles and abstract for the talks and for the poster session at this link.

The PaPa24 workshop is at its second edition (see here for the previous edition).

Invited speakers

Organizing committee: 

Davide Barilari (Università di Padova)

Valentina Franceschi (Università di Padova)

Mario Sigalotti (Inria, Sorbonne Université)

Conference picture