
Working papers

Intergenerational Mobility in the Land of Inequality, 2022, with D. Britto, A Fonseca, B. Sampaio, and L. Warwar [Revise & Resubmit, Review of Economics and Statistics]

Small Children, Big Problems: Childbirth and Crime, 2023, with D. Britto, R. Hsu Rocha, and B. Sampaio

Main journal publications

Job Displacement, Unemployment Benefits and Domestic Violence, Review of Economic Studies, accepted for publication, with S. Bhalotra, D. Britto, and B. Sampaio 

Making Subsidies Work: Rules vs. Discretion, Econometrica, accepted for publication, with F. Cingano, F. Palomba, and E. Rettore 

There's More to Marriage than Love: The Effect of Legal Status and Cultural Distance on Intermarriages and Separations, Journal of Political Economy, accepted for publication, with J. Adda and G. Tura

Revealing Stereotypes: Evidence from Immigrants in Schools, American Economic Review, accepted for publication, with A. Alesina, M. Carlana, and E. La Ferrara

Fueling Organized Crime: The Mexican War on Drugs and Oil Thefts, Economic Journal, accepted for publication, with G. Battiston, G. Daniele, and M. Le Moglie

Rules, Discretion, and Corruption in Procurement: Evidence from Italian Government Contracting, Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics, accepted for publication, with Francesco Decarolis, Ray Fisman, and Silvia Vannutelli 

Immigration and Crime: An International Perspective, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 38(1), 2024, with O. Marie

Organized Crime, Violence and Support for the State, Journal of Public Economics, 228, 2023, with G. Campedelli, G.Daniele, and A. Martinangeli

Gender and bureaucratic corruption: Evidence from two countries, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 39(2), 2023, with F. Decarolis, R. Fisman, S. Vannutelli, and Y. Wang

The Effect of Job Loss and Unemployment Insurance on Crime in Brazil, Econometrica, 90(4), 2022 (lead article), with D. Britto and B. Sampaio

Goals and Gaps: Educational Careers of Immigrant Children, Econometrica, 90(1), 2022 (lead article), with M. Carlana and E. La Ferrara

Implicit Stereotypes in Teachers’ Track Recommendations, American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings, 112, 2022, with M. Carlana and E. La Ferrara

The Political Legacy of Entertainment TV, American Economic Review, 109(7), 2019, with R. Durante and A. Tesei

Organized Crime, Violence, and Politics, Review of Economic Studies, 86(2), 2019 (lead article), with A. Alesina and S. Piccolo

Trust, firm organization, and the pattern of comparative advantage. Journal of International Economics, 100, 2016 (lead article), with F. Cingano

Web Appendix       WP version

Legal status and the criminal activity of immigrants. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 7(2), 2015, with G. Mastrobuoni

WP version     AEJ Best Paper Award 2016        American Economic Association research highlights

Immigration enforcement and crime. American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings, 105(5), 2015

WP version

Politicians at work: The private returns and social costs of political connections. Journal of the European Economic Association, 11(2), 2013, with F. Cingano

Web Appendix      WP version

Trust, regulation and market failures. Review of Economics and Statistics, 94(3), 2012 

WP version     Longer version (with theoretical model)

Do immigrants cause crime?. Journal of the European Economic Association, 10(6), 2012, with M. Bianchi and P. Buonanno

WP version

Other journal publications

The credibility revolution in the empirical analysis of crime, Italian Economic Journal, Special Issue on the Economics of Crime (Guest Editor), 6, 2020

WP version

Financial Development and Pay-As-You-Go Social Security. The BE Journal of Macroeconomics, 9(1), 2009

Delayed privatization. Public Choice, 136(3), 2008, with B. Bortolotti


Does Immigration Increase Crime? Migration Policy and the Creation of the Criminal Immigrant. Cambridge University Press, 2019, with F. Fasani, G. Mastrobuoni and E. Owens

Contributions to collective books

Organized Crime, Violence, and the Quality of Politicians: Evidence from Southern Italy, in Cook, P. J., Machin, S., Marie, O., & Mastrobuoni, G. (eds.), Lessons from the Economics of Crime: What Reduces Offending?, MIT Press, 2013

WP version

Advances in the Econometrics of Crime, in G.J.N. Bruinsma and D.L. Weisburd (eds.), Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Springer, 2013, with G. Mastrobuoni

WP version

Comments to "Can public sector wage bills be reduced?" (by P. Cahuc and S. Carcillo), in A. Alesina and F. Giavazzi (eds.), Fiscal Policy after the Financial Crisis, University of Chicago Press, 2013

In Italian

Analisi economica del comportamento illegale, in Pepi De Caleo & Brucchi Luchino, Un manuale di economia del lavoro, Il Mulino, 2015, with F. Drago and R. Galbiati

Democratizzazione e capitale civico, in G. Toniolo (ed.), L'Italia e l'economia mondiale. Dall'Unità a oggi, Marsilio Editori, 2014, with L. Guiso

Fiducia, regolamentazione e fallimenti del mercato, in G. De Blasio and P. Sestito (eds.) Il capitale sociale. Che cos' è e che cosa spiega. Donzelli Editore, 2011

Democrazia e privatizzazioni, Equilibri, Il Mulino, 2003, with B. Bortolotti and L. Farinola