Selected publications

Lobbying for Globalization” (with Michael Blanga-Gubbay and Mathieu Parenti). Previously circulated as “Globalization For Sale.” CEPR Discussion Paper 14597. Featured in a column on VoxEU and on ProMarket. Conditionally accepted for publication in the Economic Journal.

Come Together: Firm Boundaries and Delegation” (with Laura Alfaro, Nick Bloom, Harald Fadinger, Patrick Legros, Andy Newman, Raffaella Sadun, and John Van Reenen), CEPR Discussion Paper 12923 and NBER Working Paper 24597. Featured in a column on VoxEUJournal of the European Economic Association 22 (2024), 34–72.

The Tyranny of the Single Minded: Guns, Environment, and Abortion” (with Laurent Bouton, Francisco Pino and Maurizio Zanardi). Review of Economics and Statistics 103 (2021), 48-59. Featured in a column on ProMarket and Academic Times

The Pursuit of Non-Trade Policy Objectives in EU Trade Policy” (with Ingo Borchert, Mattia Di Ubaldo, and Cristina Herghelegiu). World Trade Review 20 (2021), 1-25. Featured in a column on VoxEU.

EU Trade Agreements: To Mix or not to Mix, That is the Question” (with Cristina Herghelegiu and Laura Puccio). Journal of World Trade 55 (2021), 231-260.

The Political Economy of Trade and Migration: Evidence from the U.S. Congress” (with Giovanni Facchini, Max Steinhardt and Maurizio Zanardi). Economics & Politics 32 (2020), 250-278.

The Gravity of Intermediate Goods” (with Afrola Plaku and Glenn Magerman). Review of Industrial Organization 57 (2020), 223–243 (special issue on global value chains). 

Internalizing Global Value Chains: A Firm-Level Analysis” (with Laura Alfaro, Pol Antras, and Davin Chor),  Journal of Political Economy 127 (2019), 508-559. Online Appendix. Featured in a column on VoxEU.

From Final Goods to Inputs: The Protectionist Effect of Preferential Rules of Origin” (with Manuel García Santana, Laura Puccio, and Roberto Venturini), American Economic Review 108 (2018), 2335-2365. Online Appendix. Data and supplementary materials. Featured in a column on VoxEU, the LSE blog and LSE CentrePiece.

Do Prices Determine Vertical Integration?” (with Laura Alfaro, Harald Fadinger and Andrew Newman), Review of Economic Studies 83 (2016), 1-35 [Lead article]. Featured in a column on VoxEU

Electoral Incentives, Term Limits, and the Sustainability of Peace” (with Nicolas Sahuguet and Maurizio Zanardi), European Journal of Political Economy 51 (2018) 15-26.

Suspiciously Timed Trade Disputes” (with David deRemer, Georg Kirchsteiger, Lorenzo Trimarchi and Maurizio Zanardi), Journal of International Economics 105 (2017), 57-76. Featured on The Washington Post, on Fortune, and in a column on VoxEU

The Internationalization Process of Firms: from Exports to FDI” (with André Sapir and Maurizio Zanardi), Journal of International Economics 99 (2016), 16-30.

Democratic Peace and Electoral Accountability” (with Nicolas Sahuguet and Maurizio Zanardi), Journal of the European Economic Association 12 (2014), 997-1028. Featured in a column on VoxEU and reviewed by Matthew O. Jackson on NAJ Economics.

Policymakers’ Horizon and Trade Reforms: the Protectionist Effect of Elections” (with Giovanni Facchini and Maurizio Zanardi). Journal of International Economics 94 (2014), 102-118. Featured on The Economist and on Fortune.  For the data and codes used in this paper click here.

Special and Differential Treatment of Developing Countries in the WTO” (with Carlo Perroni). World Trade Review 14 (2014), 67-86.

Multi-Trait Matching and Gender Differentials in Intergenerational Mobility” (with Natalie Chen and Carlo Perroni). Economics Letters 120 (2013), 292-296. 

Fast Track Authority and International Trade Negotiations” (with Giovanni Facchini and Maurizio Zanardi), American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 4 (2012), 146-189. Featured in a column on VoxEU.

Trade Liberalization and Organizational Change” (with Patrick Legros and Andrew Newman), Journal of International Economics 86 (2012), 197-208.

Conditional versus Unconditional Trade Concessions for Developing Countries” (with Carlo Perroni). Canadian Journal of Economics 45 (2012), 613-631.

Do Credible Domestic Institutions Promote Credible International Agreements?” (with Carlo Perroni), Journal of International Economics 79 (2009), 160-170.

Policymakers’ Horizon and the Sustainability of International Cooperation” (with Nicolas Sahuguet), Journal of Public Economics 93 (2009), 549-558.

Is Partial Tax Harmonization Desirable?” (with Carlo Perroni and Ray Riezman), Journal of Public Economics 92 (2008), 254-267.

Green Lobbies and Transboundary Pollution in Large Open Economies,” Journal of International Economics 59 (2003), 399-422.

Issue Linkage and Issue Tie-in in International Negotiations” (with Carlo Perroni), Journal of International Economics 57 (2002), 423-447.