Ongoing projects
Ongoing projects
“Multinational Networks and Trade Participation” (with Glenn Magerman, Fabrizio Leone, and Catherine Thomas).
“A Political Disconnect? Evidence From Votes on EU Trade Agreements?” (with Florin Cucu, Federico Gallina, and Mattia Nardotto), CEPR Discussion Paper DP19609 and CESifo Working Paper WP 11405.
“Trade Protection Along Supply Chains,” (with Chad Bown, Aksel Erbahar, and Lorenzo Trimarchi).
“Cross-Border Lobbying: How Multinationals Shape Deep Trade Policies” (with Michael Blanga-Gubbay, In Song Kim, Mathieu Parenti, and Gonzague Vannoorenberghe).
“Trade Within Multinational Boundaries” (with Laura Alfaro, Fariha Kamal, Zachary Kroff, and Natalia Ramondo).
“Lobbying and Counter-Lobbying on Trade Protection” (with Aksel Erbahar, Elisa Navarra, and Lorenzo Trimarchi).
“Trade Agreements and the Relationship between Global and Domestic Supply Chains” (with Emmanuel Dhyne, Fabrizio Leone, Glenn Magerman, and Catherine Thomas).