Have you downloaded and installed the 2.0.1 update?In the swatches pallet, select all unused. If the color isn't being used 

anywhere, you can then delete it.BTW, having an extra color in the pallet is no big deal. It won't hurt 


The swatch was added through the swatches menu and then choosing the Pantone library. I had then added another Pantone swatch that is the primary color used in my 2-color catalog. I chose "select all unused", but no swatch is selected. I've gone over the catalog and cannot find any use of the Pantone color I need to delete. Is there a way of finding a color swatch throughout the document? The reason why I believe I need to delete the Pantone swatch is because I sent the catalog as a PDF to the printer and they can't separate the colors. I've had this issue before: If there are two spot colors listed in the Swatches/Ink Manager, the printer cannot use the PDF. So, that is why I am trying to delete the swatch. My question is, why is the swatch greyed out? Why can't it be deleted?

Pantone Swatch Download

Download File 🔥 https://cinurl.com/2yGaEi 🔥

The problem is this: You need to download and install the "document framework update" You did that already you say? Well you need to do it again. There was a Document framework update released in June and then another released in August. You most likely need to get the new new document framework update. It worked for me! Ben

I just ran into this issue and I have a workaround of sorts. For me at least, the (current as of May 2023) issue is that Pantone Connect won't add a swatch when there is no document open, but it will when a document is open. I wanted to add a persistent swatch for new documents, so I opened a document, added the swatch, exported all of my swatches, closed the document, and then imported the swatches I had saved.

You may not have a PANTONE colour as your currently chosen colour. Pantone colours are just predefined colours which will be reproduced on different presses or fabrics, I am not up on them but I don't know if there is a Pantone colour every possible colour.

Got this , i use that tool you gave me but , it is not always working , sometimes it is not showing me the pantone color of what i want and i choosed ,So if the color was not the same , should i type the pantone color ? With the colors i used in design.thanks

The two reasons to use any Pantone colour are because the client requested it or you are dealing with a budget which can only afford one ink. If you have a colour you and the client like then use the CMYK or RGB values. Make a Document Palette and make a named global colour so you have it in that document.

There will not always be a perfect conversion from CMYK to Pantone. Even less of a chance from RGB as the colour range is much larger and not intended to be used in print, at least traditional print. I like RGB for my wide format as it can handle RGB.

The main reason to use Pantone colours is because fabric printers use Pantone palettes. I create embroidery designs and all fabric printers require pantone colours so that there is a standard selection across the fabric manufacturing industry.

Not just fabric printers. The printers for cardboard box packaging (cereal boxes, tissue boxes, etc) use CMYK plus Pantone spot colors whenever 1) a shade outside the CMYK gamut is required, or 2) a shade inside the gamut needs accurate, full density reproduction.

And, falling under the "client requested it" category Old Bruce mentioned, corporate imaging frequently requires specific Pantone spot colors for logos and even things like horizontal rules in printed documents. I used to work for a company whose keynote color was Pantone 206. Company letterhead, signage, advertising, tradeshow posters, and badges on the hardware we sold had to include Pantone 206. In print work, the closest CMYK shade to Pantone 206 was absolutely not acceptable. It had to be a solid spot color. Vendors that could not handle spot color (either design firms or printers) did not get that company's business.

There's also Pantone/similar colours collections for paint, so when you choose a colour on the colour swatches, and when you open the resulting paint bucket produce by the vendor's machine, you'll have exactly the same. And if you need another bucket, it should be the same.

Depending of the main use of the logo and the graphical chart, I'd rather begin working in CMYK to ensure everything will be printed using the choosen Pantone colours, and only convert to RGB for web.

One should always ask the client having Pantone choosen, if it satisfies the client. He's the only one who can be sure. There are some Pantones who are "richer" in color than their CMYK values. In general when I work with Pantone they are my guide, but I always inform the client that in my specific workflow I use CMYK and I can than use my eyes to check in the Pantone CMYK Bridge if I'm close with my estimation. But this comes at my 10y experience. If I would to create logo for a client I would first show him the Pantone chips and let him choose the colors himself. When he would make his mind, than I would use deck for conversion, keeping in mind that in CMYK there aren't as many colors achieveable. It looks like this : CMYK -> Pantone -> RGB. So starting with RGB is tricky, as in the begining you can get in trouble picking the colors that is not printable at all. Designers make that misteake a lot, and even quite large brands have their Pantone mismatched everyday. In the end it always comes to the client and what color he thinks is the right one, even if it's slightly or more off.

Think of the Logo as a home decor problem. When you go to the decor agency, they will always start with real color chips, so you can see with your own eyes the real color of the items you will be than buying. This will be wood, concrete, wall paint, floor, carpet or anything else. It won't be RGB or CMYK it will be real "chips" that you can take in hand and examine in different light conditions, some of it will have different type of finishing which will affect color aswell.

This is a very muddy topic working with color. There are a lot of places you can make a mistake. I would only advise you NOT to use any online converters, because they use their calculating technics, and you never now if it's proper or not. I would invest in Pantone guide, preferably with chips, or order chips that might be right for your client, and go from there. It will be far better to have a chip send to the printing company, it will make their life much easier than just giving them Pantone code or worse - RGB value.

Sending a chip (that isn't too old, and thus faded) to a printing company is good insurance, but it should not be necessary with a reputable printer. They will order (and possibly mix) the actual Pantone ink based on the Pantone code. They should not be doing a colorimetric match using a different (non-Pantone) pigment set.

this is true only for those as you said "reputable" printing companies. Keep in mind these are 2%. I know many reputable printer operators from my country and I rest ashured all of them want to be percived as they know what color matching is, but truth be told they don't. And yes, there are specialty printers that take pantone inks but these aren't in digital I think. And to be honest I don't think the OP is someone who works with clients who can afford ordering quantities that will be printed from Pantone inks like CocaCola does etc.

While it is a possibility to order ink and use it as spot colors - you would have to dedicate one acctuall machine for that client. This would require him to constantly order new prints for all that hassle to be worth invested money.

Pantone states some ****it that let me quote : " No effect on print head durability " well, it depends on thousends factors so short answer is yes it will.

If I would start a partnership with CocaCola or some other big brand who will keep my machine fed with new orders of prints, hell yeah, I will fill it with 8 spot Pantone Colors, and print 500sqm/h on fabric 152ee80cbc

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