IROS - 2023, Detroit

Student volunteer at IROS 2023, Detroit. Guided participants and audience at registration counter, and helped them navigate the exhibition hall at Huntington palace.

IEEE SJCE - Student Volunteer at Cyberia

Volunteered to teach fundamentals of robotics at the annual robotics workshop 'Cyberia' held by IEEE SJCE. The workshop included exposure to Arduino microcontroller programming, HT 12D motor drivers, 16x2 LCD mechanism, DTMF modules, Ultrasonic sensors, infrared sensors, etc.

IEEE WIE - Volunteered to teach spoken English at Ranga Rao School for the Disabled

I volunteered at the Ranga Rao School for Differently abled (blind) students, who come from various backgrounds. I taught them basic spoken English for communication. This was organized by IEEE WIE's community service program 'Prayas'. It was an all-girls school, from 1st grade to 10th grade.

Suttur Jathra Science Exhibition 

At the annual Suttur Jathra Science Exhibition, I demonstrated a novel way of using ultrasonic sensors to control media playing on a monitor via hand gestures to local villagers, and explained the applications of similar technologies to ease their routine, by pruning the complexity and drawing analogies from their daily activities.