Welcome to my site!

Pan Li     (李 攀 in Chinese)


panli at gatech.edu 

panli at purdue.edu

My dear wife, Dr. Cong Hao, is also at the school of ECE at Georgia Tech. She is looking for excellent students who would like to work in the joint area of hardware design and machine learning


(To introduce Pan before the talk, one may use this short bio for convenience.) 

Pan Li joined ECE at Georgia Tech as an assistant professor in 2023 Spring and an on-leave position at Purdue CS.  Pan Li joined the Purdue CS department as an assistant professor in 2020 Fall.  Before joining Purdue, Pan worked as a postdoc in the SNAP group at Stanford for one year, where he worked in the SNAP group led by  Prof. Jure Leskovec.  Before joining the SNAP group, Pan did his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana - Champaign (2015 - 2019). His PhD advisor at UIUC was Prof. Olgica Milenkovic. At UIUC, he also worked with several wonderful collaborators including Prof. Niao He, Prof. Arya Mazumdar, Prof. Jiawei Han, Prof. David Gleich, etc. 

Pan Li has received the NSF CAREER award (2023), the Best Paper award from Learning on Graph (LoG) 2022, Amazon Research Award (2023), Sony Faculty Innovation Award (2021), JPMorgan Faculty Award (2021 & 2023), Ross-Lynn Faculty Award (2021). Pan Li has served as a Senior reviewer (Area Chair) in conferences on machine learning and data science such as ICLR, ICML, NeurIPS, WWW, WSDM, and AAAI.


Past news can be found here