Welcome to the Pan lab's homepage!

Our lab is part of State Key Laboratory of Featured Metal Materials and Life-Cycle Safety for Composite Structures, School of Resources, Environment and Materials, Guangxi University, and MOE Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Systems Optimization and Beijing Key Laboratory of Novel Thin-Film Solar Cells, North China Electric Power University. Primary research in our lab centers on developing innovative strategy for the mass production of energy and environmental materials. Our study is multidisciplinary, including solid state chemistry, nanomaterials engineering, heterogeneous catalysis, colloid and interface science, photo/electrochemistry, membrane science, and materials and process simulations. 

Ongoing projects range from semiconductor photo(electro)catalysis, electrochemical energy storage and perovskite solar cells. Motivated and passionate (under)graduate students and postdocs who have interest to work with us are highly encouraged to write to us to discuss our work ethics and research progress.