Pam Staines Counselling

Do you experience anxiety? Depression? Low self- esteem? Anger issues? Do you have autism/ADHD/dyspraxia/dyslexia? Are you a carer or working through bereavement, miscarriage or infertility problems? 

Would it help to talk?

I believe that everyone is uniquely valuable and can find a way through life’s issues with support, encouragement, and a willingness to explore those difficult areas. I will not judge or tell you what to do but offer a listening ear as I support you to find a way through and move forward.

If you are experiencing bereavement, anxiety, depression, anger issues or relationship difficulties, especially if you have autism, ADHD, dyslexia, or dyspraxia, it can be difficult to take the first step in seeking help. Finding the right person to help you is key. That is why I offer a reduced price initial telephone consultation which gives you the chance to ask questions, explore what you want from the sessions and find out if you feel comfortable working with me.

I usually work by phone or on Zoom which means I can support you anywhere in the UK, (providing we have a reliable signal). Sessions last approximately 50 mins and payment is required on the day.

I look forward to you sharing your unique story!

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