Recent examples of public engagement.

COP26, November 2021

Earth Information for Climate Acion: Perspectives from the UK Presidency, 3rd November 2021.

Monitoring the lungs of the world from space: what satellites reveal about carbon storage in the forests of the Earth, 6th November 2021

Royal Society Summer Exhibition 2021: Our breathing Earth: new views of carbon from satellites

After a 12 month hiatus, a few of us from Edinburgh, University College London (Mat Disney) and Plymouth Marine Laboratory (Shubha Sathyendranath) will finally be presenting an exhibit online. Together with the NCEO, UK Space Agency and ESA we are putting together an exhibit to showcase the science of satellite remote sensing of carbon in the ocean, on the land, and in the atmosphere.

EO-Pi project (April 2019)

We developed a prototype tool to disseminate the science behind Earth Observation. The EO-Pi project is a joint venture between the University of Edinburgh and the Plymouth Marine Laboratory and funded by the UK Space Agency. Educational material is delivered using Raspberry Pis and online material.