
The Civic Action Team is comprised of thirteen members in the United States Military. The rotation to Palau occurs between the Army, Navy, and Air Force every six months. While in Palau, the primary purpose of the Civic Action Team is to positively impact the Republic through construction efforts, apprenticeship training, medical outreach, and community relations programs. 


Army Civic Action Team 84-08, originating from Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, served from August 2022 to February 2023. It was the team's vision to make a generational impact on the people of Palau through the establishment of  educational initiatives, physical fitness programs, and innovative events for the youth. Educationally, CAT 84-08 Officer in Charge, 1LT Lauryn Westman, developed "PalauFutures" to answer a need that she saw while tutoring eager students at Mindszenty High School with Sylvestor Alonz. It was while tutoring that 1LT Westman fully understood the motivation and interest of students to pursue a higher education, spending more than six hours at Camp Katuu on weekends to receive extra practice before their SAT test date.


With the launch of the "PalauFutures" wesbite, I hope to direct students to reliable, streamlined information on college opportunities in the United States. Through  knowledge acquired by this resource, it becomes each individual student's decision to pursue educational and career aspirations most suited for them. 


Mindszenty High School Tutoring

1LT Westman administers SAT practice tests and offers tutoring for the students at Mindszenty High School. 

Airai Elementary Book Reading

SSG Jones facilitating book reading activities for students at Airai Elementary School each Wednesday.

College Application Reviews

1LT Westman and Sylvester Alonz assist two students with college application submissions on the weekend to the Naval Academy.

Maris Stella Elementary Veteran's Thanksgiving

1LT Westman and SGT Bowman share about Palauan service in the United States military before an event at Camp Katuu to commemorate the Fallen Heroes of Palau.

Physical Fitness 

Palau Track and Field House of Pain 

SPC Santiago trains alongside Palau High School track athletes as part of SFC Marshall's program each Tuesday and Thursday.

Camp Katuu House of Pain

CAT 84-08 leads workouts for the community Monday through Thursday with a different focus each day.

Airai Elementary School P.E. Class

1LT Westman and PFC Wiles run physical exercise classes for students at Airai Elementary to encourage an active lifestyle.

Camp Katuu 500/1000 Pound Club

SGT Williams executes a 500/1000 Pound Club event for deadlift, back squat, and bench press for weight-lifters in the community. 

Innovative Events 

Camp Katuu Paint Night

SPC Ellington facilitates a paint night for the local community to include a raffle draw and refreshments. 

Camp Katuu 3v3 Basketball Tournament

SFC Sandoval plans and competes in an all-day basketball tournament.

Camp Katuu Self-Care Giveback

SSG Jones organizes a community giveback for free haircuts and self-care services with OJ Kutz and Klebokl Dil Beauty Shop.

Ernguul Park Christmas Festivities

PFC Wiles plans a Christmas festivities event featuring bingo, games, letters to Santa, movies, cookie decorating, and more during the holiday season. 

"My team is strongest within the community and that is where you will find us." - CAT 84-08