For Mentors


To be a Mentor, individuals should:

a) be an active PaLA personal member.

b) have at least 5 years of professional library experience.

c) be willing to share their knowledge and expertise with a less experienced librarian or paraprofessional.

d) be able to communicate with a mentee as often as necessary.

Guidelines for both the Mentor and the Mentee:

a) Neither party should use the mentoring experience to speak poorly of their employer or colleagues.

b) Both parties should respect the confidential nature of what is discussed.

c) Both parties should refrain from judgement about the other.

d) Both parties should notify the PALS Mentor Group of any troubles or concerns ASAP.


  • Open communication

    • Establish a welcoming and safe atmosphere

    • Be positive and honest with your feedback

    • Address misunderstandings politely and clearly

  • Encourage professional development and involvement in PaLA

  • Provide insight about the industry based on your professional experiences

  • Help the mentee establish short-term and long-term career goals

  • Share resources that you’ve found to be inspirational and helpful