Paladin System
"Training without standards isn't training. It's playing games"
Yellow Belt Pistol Curriculum
Want to be able to defend yourself and your family? The Paladin Training System Yellow Belt Curriculum teaches you how to defend the ones you love to a high standard, meeting and EXCEEDING police and military standards. The Paladin Training System is proven effective and efficient training. Critical skills taught and tested include:
1. Fundamentals of Marksmanship including shooting out to 25 yards
2. Shooting strings of 1 through 5 shots
3. Alternate shooting positions (Crouch, kneeling, prone, rollover prone)
4. Drawing from concealment
5. Drawing from cover
6. Shooting from cover
7. Turn and fire (90 degrees Left and Right, 180 degrees)
8. Multiple targets
9. Primary side only shooting
10. Verbalization
11. Shooting while moving
12. Transition from other response option
13. Reloading under time
14. Support side only shooting
15. The Fence
16. Medical: Self care & staying in the fight
You will learn both sighted and point shooting as well as shooting on the move. Shooting Qualifications include Army Pistol, NRA Defensive Pistol 2, Defensive Pistol Skills: 3 Seconds or Less, and the FBI Pistol Qualification. Pistol classes Levels 1 through 4 make up the Paladin Yellow Belt pistol curriculum.