Edit player

1. Select the Players tab

Tap the Players tab at the bottom center. A list of players will appear.

2. Tap Add Players

Tap the Add Players icon in the lower left. You can add multiple players by name.

3. Input player name

Write player names separated by spaces (blanks) and tap Add or Replace.

Add: The name is added to the list of players.

Replace: Delete the list of players and replace them with the list of players you just inputed.

4. Change in edit mode

You can change individual name in edit mode. Tap Edit in the upper left to switch to edit mode. Tap Done to exit Edit mode.

5. Tap the name you want to change and rewrite it

Tap on the name you want to change, a window for rewriting opens. After rewriting to the new name, select the Update button.

6. Delete a player

When you tap the trash can icon on the top right, player information and game information are erased and replaced by the initial 1 to 4 players. You can also delete by swiping the player you want to delete to the left.

7. Shuffle (1.2.0~)

A "shuffle" button has been added to the right of the + /-button. Each time you tap the button, the order of the player list will be shuffled. The shuffle button is only enabled before generating the combination.

If the default algorithm uses the same member list each time, the same combination will be generated each time (this is the intended specification). You can avoid this by changing the order of members, so this is a button to easily achieve this.

8. Save / Load player list

You can now save the player list. This can be done by selecting Save List and Load List from the Add/Save button.

Only one list can be saved. The saved list is automatically loaded when the application starts.

There is no way to delete the saved list. Put the player list in the trash and save the generated default list.

9. Invert all players rest state (1.3.0~)

Invert all players rest state.