Court perspective view

(Available from ver.1.1.0)

1. Court perspective view

Court perspective view is available from ver.1.1.0. This view shows all courts status. Also, you can mark which match of court is finished. In Combinational perspective view, you need to finish all matches before generating next pairs. But, you can generate pairs for vacant court in this view. By the way, if you generate combination using this view, the result may not be shuffled well. Because the players who finished faster can get a chance to play than slower ones. If you prefer to give the player certain chance, I recommend you to use Combinational perspective view to generate combinations. Also, this view has another issue (See Four players issue).

NOTE: I don't recommend to switch these two modes. You should delete all combination history before starting generating new combination at changed perspective view.

2. Court perspective view selection

You can select Court perspective view to tap "Court" at the top of the screen of Combination tab. When you choose Court perspective view, then you will see the following screen. You may see different screen if you generate combination before. This view shows all combinations for each court. The court cell turns gray if match is finished or not assigned combination.

3. Generate combination

You can generate combination when you TAP generate button at the bottom of the screen. The court cell turns yellow when the combination is assigned to the court. Apple Watch view will change as well.

4. Change the court to gray (Making vacant court)

Before generating the combination, you have to change the coat that finished the match to gray due to making vacant court. Otherwise, an error message will be displayed when tapping the Generate button. Changing the court to gray is easy. You just only SLIDE LEFT the court cell. If you want to put it back the match state, you slide left again. The state will toggle.

For Apple Watch, the action is slightly different from iPhone. TAP the match you want to change.

5. Last generated combination

The court cell of last generated combination is yellow. Not updated court cell is light yellow.

6. Known issue (Four players issue)

If exact four players are waiting, the combination might not be shuffled well. Because the priority of waiting people is high. Unfortunately, you can't change this priority algorithm. I will show you an example of 12 players and 2 courts. Player name is 1, 2, 3...12. It looks that fixed 4 players combination are generated always.

To avoid this issue, one player will take a break twice only once. Or wait until two or more coats are available. After that, the shuffle balance may collapse.