8:30 am : Registration and breakfast

9:15 am : Welcome: John Giannandrea, Jess Holbrook, Fernanda Viegas, Martin Wattenberg

10:00 am : Jess Holbrook, "Human Centered Machine Learning"

10:25 am : Karrie Karahalios, "Studying How We Make Sense of Algorithms in News Feeds"

10:50 am : Hae Won Park, "Living with Personal Robots"

11:10 am : Break

11:40 am : Maya Gupta, "Controlling Machine Learning to Do What You Want"

12:05 pm : Antonio Torralba, "Learning to See"

12:25 pm : John Zimmerman, "AI's Advance on UX"

12:45 pm : Lunch

1:45 pm : Doug Eck, "Challenges in Engaging Artists and Musicians"

2:10 pm : Rebecca Fiebrink, "Interactive Machine Learning as Design Tool"

2:35 pm : Golan Levin, "Art, Research, and AI: Contexts of Production and Reception"

3:00 pm : Blaise Aguera y Arcas, "The Risk in the Mirror"

3:20 pm : Break

3:45 pm : Panel: The Future of Human Centered AI with panelists Finale Doshi-Velez, David Weinberger, Karrie Karahalios, and Matt Jones moderated by Fernanda Viegas and Martin Wattenberg

4:45 pm : Close

5:15 pm : Reception with heavy appetizers

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