
Welcome! This storybook is here to provide you with fun and yummy stories that involve the Gods and their love and interaction with food.

My first story is about Hanuman, a supernatural monkey who is known for his strength and heroism. Hanuman and his love for mangos gets him into a little trouble with the Sun God. Although his mistake was large, in the end the Sun God becomes someone of great importance in Hanuman's life. Mangos are from tropical trees, they are known for their sweet flavor and juicy texture. The word Mango originally came from India and is their national fruit.

In my next story, I will tell the story of Dasharatha and his use of Kheer that he received from the Gods. Dasharatha is longing to become a father and knows that he must bear a son in order to fight against his enemy. The Gods provide Dasharatha with Kheer and what it does was way beyond Dasharatha's dreams. Kheer is an extremely popular dish in India, it is a rice pudding that is most often eaten as a dessert. Kheer is often made in temples and can be seen as a dish that is holy and sacred.

My final story talks about Krishna, a supreme God, in his youth and his crazy love for butter. Krishna goes to great mischievous lengths to find butter for him to eat. Butter in India is a staple in their traditional cuisine. It is most often times called Ghee and is slightly different than the butter most of us are familiar with. Ghee is churned from a cream and turned into a fatty liquid cream that is used with breads and many other Indian foods for flavor.

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