
Year > 202420232022202120202019

New job at Concordia!

September 1, 2019

I started my new job as a tenure-track assistant professor at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of Concordia University, in Montréal. 

I can see a portrait of the legendary Leonard Cohen from my new office.

19th Leslie Fox Prize

June 24, 2019 

I was awarded a second prize at the finals of the 19th Leslie Fox Prize for Numerical Analysis in Glasgow (Scotland), where I presented the research behind "Correcting for unknown errors in sparse high-dimensional function approximation"

The first prize went to Yunan Yang (New York University). Daniel Fortunato (Harvard), Alexander James Bastounis (Cambridge), and Abdul-Lateef Haji-Ali (Heriot Watt) were also awarded a second prize.

Leslie Fox (1918 – 1992).

Interview for the Pacific Institute of Mathematical Sciences

March 13, 2019

I had the pleasure to be interviewed by Jimmy Friers  from the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences. Read the interview!

Year > 202420232022202120202019