Satreps Workshop Series - 1

Post date: Sep 14, 2016 11:22:06 PM

Practical Steps to Publish Your Research Outcomes

Date: September 6, 2016, Tuesday, 10:30-12:00

Venue: Room 109A, Institute of Technology of Cambodia

Presenter: Dr. Yoshimura Chihiro (WG2), Tokyo Institute of Technology


Outline: As a researcher, it’s critically important to publish your research work. We can probably say, only such feedback of your work allows you participate in academics and contribute to society. Most of us are aware of it, but it might not be easy to understand the procedure to write and publish your work as scientific articles in academic journals unless you experience the procedure. This fact often lets you put away the most important work of the feedback besides daily duties. Given such tendency, this workshop will aim for Satreps members as well as other researchers and students to learn and discuss important value and critical steps of producing publications as researcher. It will practically support researchers and students to promote writing articles and theses in a strategic manner. Participants can also gain some hints on how international academic world is organized and how important it is to work efficiently from an initial stage towards publication.