
  • Round of applause: Clap while moving your hands in a circle.

  • Ketchup bottle applause: Hold one hand like it is the bottom of a ketchup bottle and strike it with the flat other hand.

  • Mosquito applause: With your hands, slap yourself on the neck, arms, legs, etc, while saying, "Oooo, Ahhh, Ouch!"

  • Six Shooter applause: Poke fingers in air & say "Bang! bang!", blow on fingers to cool off the barrels, then put in holsters.

  • Can of applause: Cheer and applaud gradually louder as cover is removed from can and get quieter as the lid is replaced.

  • Stamp of Approval applause: Pound the palm of your left hand rapidly with your right fist.

  • Tigers are... Grrrreat! Tigers are... Grrrreat! Tigers are... Grrrreat!


I Love Bananas, Coconuts, and Grapes

I Love Bananas, Coconuts, and Grapes

I Love Bananas, Coconuts, and Grapes

That's why they call me TARZAN OF THE APES!

Repeat cheering quieter each time except for the last TARZAN OF THE APES! really loud

Army marching chant style

Birdie, birdie in the sky!

Dropped some whitewash in my eye!

I'm no sissy, I don't cry!

I'm just glad that cows don't fly!

We're from Den ______

couldn't be prouder

If you can't hear us

we'll yell a little louder!

Clap your hands!

Stomp your feet!

'Cause Den ______ just

Can't be beat!


What do termites eat for breakfast? Oak meal

What are sleeping trees called? Slumber

What does a new Webelos Scout say? I can Bear no more!

Scout 1: How do you keep a turkey in suspense?

Scout 2: I don't know, how?

Scout 1: I'll tell you tomorrow.

Scout 1: I understand you like to do magic tricks. What's your favorite?

Scout 2: Sawing people in half.

Scout 1: Interesting, and are there any other people in your family?

Scout 2: Yes, I have two half brothers and two half sisters.

Scout 1: (comes out looking at ground, circles around #2 looking down all the time)

Scout 2: Are you looking for something?

Scout 1: Yes

Scout 2: What is it? Maybe I can help

Scout 1: I'm looking for marbles.

Scout 2: Why are you looking for marbles? There aren't any here.

Scout 1: Well, I overheard someone say you were losing yours and I was going to help you find them.

Scout 1: Are there any athletes in your family?

Scout 2: My brother has been swimming for five years.

Scout 1: He must be pretty tired.

Scout 1: My mother does bird imitations.

Scout 2: Really? How does she do that?

Scout 1: She watches me like a hawk.

Scout 1: I'm here to see the fortune teller.

Scout 2: I'm the fortune teller and I charge $20 for two questions.

Scout 1: Isn't that a lot of money for two questions?

Scout 2: Yes, it is. Now what is your second question?


Scout 1: Runs out screaming, "They're on me! They're on me!"

Scout 2: "What's on you?"

Scout 1: "My clothes"

Scout 1: Runs out screaming, "It's all around me! It's all around me!"

Scout 2: "What's all around you?"

Scout 1: "My belt!"

Scout 1: walks out on stage holding a stick in the air

Scout 2: "What are you doing?"

Scout 1: "This is a stick-up"

Scout 1: walks out poking a stick in the ground randomly

Scout 2: "What are you doing?"

Scout 1: "I'm sticking around"

Scout 1: Runs out yelling, "They're after me,! They're after me!"

Scout 2: "What's after you?"

Scout 1: "The squirels are after me. They think I'm nuts!"

Announcer: We interrupt this program for a spot announcement.

Scout (offstage): Arf! Arf! Arf!

Announcer: Thank you, Spot.

Announcer: We interrupt this program to bring you a hot news flash.

Scout: runs on, lights a match, blows it out, and exits


Bubble Gum

If no tree is available, Scout 1 stands with arms like tree branches.

If no bench is available, Scout 2 gets down on hands and knees and acts like a bench.

Scout 3 walks in chewing gum, pretends to take the gum out of his mouth, and sticks it on tree.

Scout 4 walks in, leans on tree, and gets gum on his elbow. He pulls the gum off and sticks it on a bench by the tree.

Scout 5 walks in, sits on the bench, and gets gum on his pants. He stands up, pulls the gum off, and throws it on the ground.

Scout 6 walks in, steps in the gum, removes it from his shoes, and sticks it on the tree.

Scout 3 comes in, sees his gum on the tree, puts it in his mouth, and walks off happily chewing.

Doggie Doo

Two or more Scouts are walking along the street, perhaps having a conversation about something, talking about a movie or the latest baseball scores, when all of a sudden:

Scout 1: Hey! Watch out! That may be doggie doo!

Scout 2: (looking closely at it) Boy, it sure looks like doggie doo!

Scout 3: (kneeling down very closely and smelling it) Oooh! It smells like doggie doo!

Scout 3: (touching it) Yep! Feels like doggie doo!

Scout 4: (tasting it) Oh! It tastes like doggie doo!

Scout 5 (or 1): Well! It's a good thing we checked and didn't step in it!

Emergency Broadcast

Line up at least 6 Scouts in front of a Pack meeting or camp fire. A Leader stands behind the Scouts and says, "Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! this a test, this is only a test, this a test of the emergency broadcast system. If this had been an actual emergency this is what really would have happened." The Scouts go off in every direction screaming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No Fish

Scouts act like they are digging and chipping away at the ice to make a hole for ice-fishing.

Den leader: (cupping his hands around his mouth and in a low booming voice) There are no fish here!

The Scouts stop what they are doing, look at each other quizically, shrug their shoulders, move to a new spot, and act like they are digging and chipping away at the ice to make a hole for ice-fishing.

Den leader: (cupping his hands around his mouth and in a low booming voice) There are no fish here!

The Scouts again stop what they are doing, look at each other quizically, shrug their shoulders, move to a new spot, and act like they are digging and chipping away at the ice to make a hole for ice-fishing.

Den leader: (cupping his hands around his mouth and in a low booming voice) There are no fish here!

One more time, the Scouts stop what they are doing, look at each other quizically, shrug their shoulders, move to a new spot, and act like they are digging and chipping away at the ice to make a hole for ice-fishing.

Den leader: (cupping his hands around his mouth and in a low booming voice) This is the ice rink manager! There are no fish here!


Props: Red coat

Scout 1 pretends to be peering through an imaginary periscope.

Scout 2 is standing by like a captain

Scout 3 is pretending to be sweeping

Other Scouts can be standing off to the side pretending to operate a control board.

Scout 1: Sir I have spotted an enemy Submarine

Scout 2: How many torpedoes do they have

Scout 1: ten

Scout 2: How many torpedoes do we have

Scout 1: ten also

Scout 2: Bring me my red coat

Scout 3 carries the red coat up to the Captain (Scout 2) and Scout 2 puts on the red coat.

Scout 2: Fire 5 torpedoes

Scout 1: Direct hit, Sir. We have won the battle

Scout 2 takes off the red coat and hands it to Scout 3.

Scout 1: Sir, I have spotted another enemy submarine

Scout 2: How many torpedoes do they have

Scout 1: ten

Scout 2: How many torpedoes do we have

Scout 1: five

Scout 2: Bring me my red coat

Scout 3 carries the red coat up to the Captain (Scout 2) and Scout 2 puts on the red coat.

Scout 2: Fire 4 torpedoes

Scout 1: Direct hit, Sir. We have won the battle

Scout 2 takes off the red coat and hands it to Scout 3.

Scout 3: Sir, why do you always ask for your red coat before we go into battle?

Scout 2: I will not let my crew mates see me bleeding in battle

Scout 1: Sir, I have spotted another enemy submarine

Scout 2: How many torpedoes do they have

Scout 1: twenty

Scout 2: How many torpedoes do we have

Scout 1: one

Scout 2: Bring me my brown pants!


Props: A pile of socks on a table. Den leader sits behind table.

Den leader: Scouts, I'm pleased to announce that our new Cub Scout socks have arrived! Please step up for your supply of clean socks.

Scout 1: I need four pair.

Den Leader: What do you need 4 pair for?

Scout 1: I need them for Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday.

Den Leader: O.K. Here are your socks. Next please.

Scout 2: I need seven pair.

Den Leader: What do you need seven pair for?

Scout 2: For Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

Den Leader: O.K. here are your socks. Next!

Scout 3: I need 12 pairs.

Den Leader: Wow, you must really be a clean guy! So why do you need 12 pair?

Scout 3: Well, there's January, February, March, April...


Scout 1 stands and addresses the Pack, telling of the great solar happening of Ya-Poo-Cha. He then makes up a bunch of stuff about stars/planets/earth alignment, etc.

Each of the rest of the Scouts comes up, one at a time, and asks "is it Ya-Poo-Cha time yet?"

The first Scout says "Not yet young man, please wait quietly", and has them stand in a circle with him.

When the final Scout is in line, the first Scout says "Finally, Ya-Poo-Cha time has arrived. Are you ready?"

The other Scouts answer "Yes!"

The first Scout says "ah-1, and ah-2, and ah-3"

All Scouts join in, "Ya-Poo-Cha right hand in, Ya-Poo-Cha right hand out, Ya-Poo-Cha right hand in and Ya shake it all about."


Leader: During our campfire I've noticed an echo, so I'm going to try it out.

The following is a dialogue between the Den Leader and the echo (a Scout out of the room or out of sight).

Leader: Hello

Echo: Hello, hello, hello

Leader: Cheese

Echo: Cheese, cheese, cheese

Leader: Bologna

Echo: (silence)

Leader: (to group) Hmmm. It must have stopped working. I'll try again. (loudly) I am a great Den Leader!

Echo: Bologna!

Got Any Duck Food?

You need 2 kids for this skit–a store owner and a customer.

The store owner stands behind a table or chair as if they're behind a store counter.

Customer: Walks in and faces store owner “Got any duck food?”

Owner: “No, this is a hardware store. We don't sell duck food.”

Customer leaves and walks back in.

Customer: “Got any duck food?”

Owner: “I told you yesterday that we don't sell duck food.”

Customer leaves and walks back in.

Customer: “Got any duck food?”

Owner: “No! This is a haaaaardwaaaaaaaare store. We….do….not….sell….duck….food.”

Customer leaves and walks back in.

Customer: “Got any duck food?”

Owner: “No! No! No! Like I told you yesterday, we have no duck food! And, if you ask me again, I'm gonna nail your feet to the floor!”

Customer leaves and walks back in.

Customer: “Got any nails?”

Owner: “No.”

Customer: “Got any duck food?”


Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,

That saved a wretch like me

I once was lost but now am found,

Was blind, but now, I see.

T'was Grace that taught

my heart to fear.

And Grace, my fears relieved.

How precious did that Grace appear

the hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares

we have already come.

T'was Grace that brought us safe thus far

and Grace will lead us home.

The Lord has promised good to me

His word my hope secures.

He will my shield and portion be

as long as life endures.

When we've been here ten thousand years

bright shining as the sun.

We've no less days to sing God's praise

then when we've first begun.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,

That saved a wretch like me

I once was lost but now am found,

Was blind, but now, I see.

Baby Shark

Hand motions:

Baby shark (Alligator with hands)

Mama shark (Alligator with elbows and hands)

Daddy shark (Alligator with entire arms)

Grampa shark (Daddy shark with hands in fists)

Hungry shark (One hand make fin on your head, other rub your stomach)

Swimmer guy (Act like you are swimming)

Lost a leg (Hop around on one foot)

Happy shark (Make fin on head and smile)

The end (Point to your bottom)

Ba-by Shark dut do dut dut dut-do

Baby Shark dut do dut dut dut-do

Baby Shark dut do dut dut dut-do


Repeat with:

Mama shark

Daddy shark

Grampa shark

Hungry shark

Swimmer guy

Lost a leg

Happy shark

The end

Bug Juice

Sing to the tune "On Top of Old Smokey"

At camp with the Boy Scouts,

they gave us a drink.

We thought it was kool-aid

because it was pink.

But the thing that they gave us

would gross out a moose,

for that great-tasting pink drink

was really bug juice.

It looked fresh and fruity

like tasty kool-aid

but the bugs that were in it

were murdered with raid.

We drank it by gallons.

We drank it by tons.

But, then the next morning

we all had the runs.

So if you drink bug juice

and a fly drives you mad

he's just getting even

'cause you swallowed his dad.

Fast Food Frenzy

  1. Separate Scouts into groups by their favorite fast food chain (Pizza Hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken, or McDonalds)

  2. Show them the motions for each fast food chain:

A. Pizza Hut Scouts make the motion of a house above their heads

B. Kentucky Fried Chicken Scouts tuck their hands in their arm pits and make chicken wing motions

C. McDonalds Scouts start with both index fingers touching in front of their foreheads and make a large rounded M over their heads

  1. Sing the song slowly with the motions

  2. Repeat the song, daring the Scouts to go faster each time until they are worked up into a frenzy.

A Pizza Hut, a Pizza Hut

Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut

A Pizza Hut, a Pizza Hut

Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut

McDonalds, McDonalds

Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut

McDonalds, McDonalds

Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut

God Bless My Underwear

Sing to the tune "God Bless America"

God bless my under wear, my only pair

Stand beside them and guide them

Through the rips and the holes and the tears.

From the washer to the dryer

To the clothesline, in the air!

God bless my underwear, my only pair

God bless my underwear, or I'll be bare.

Road Kill Stew

Sing to the tune "Three Blind Mice"

Road kill stew,

Road kill stew,

Tastes so good,

Just like it should.

First you go down to the interstate,

You wait for a critter to meet its fate,

You take it home and you make it great,

Road kill stew,

Road kill stew.

Scout Vespers

Sing to the tune "Oh Christmas Tree"

Softly falls the light of day,

While our campfire fades away.

Silently each Scout should ask

Have I done my daily task?

Have I kept my honor bright?

Can I guiltless sleep tonight?

Have I done and have I dared

Everything to be prepared?

Listen Lord, oh listen Lord,

As I whisper soft and low.

Bless my mom and Bless my dad,

These are things that they should know.

I will keep my honor Bright,

The oath and law will be my guide.

And mom and dad this you should know,

Deep in my heart I love you so.

Tom the Toad

Sing to the tune "Oh Christmas Tree"

Oh Tom the Toad, Oh Tom the Toad,

Why are you lying in the road.

Oh Tom the Toad, Oh Tom the Toad,

Why are you lying in the road.

You were so big, and green and fat.

But now you're small, and red and flat.

Oh Tom the Toad, Oh Tom the Toad,

Why are you lying in the road.

You didn't see the pickup truck,

and now you are a hockey puck.

Oh Tom the Toad, Oh Tom the Toad,

Why are you lying in the road.

You used to eat a fly or two,

but now the flies are eating you.

Oh Tom the Toad, Oh Tom the Toad,

Why are you lying in the road.

You used to hop and jump about,

and now your guts are spilling out.

Oh Tom the Toad, Oh Tom the Toad,

Why are you lying in the road.

You were my friend, but now you're dead,

You bear the mark of tire tread.

Oh Tom the Toad, Oh Tom the Toad,

Why are you lying in the road.

You tried to cross the yellow line,

and now you are a glob of slime.

Oh Tom the Toad, Oh Tom the Toad,

Why are you lying in the road.

Walkin' 'Round in Frozen Underwear

Sing to the tune "Walking in a Winter Wonderland"

Weather news

wasn't list'nin

Storm came through

room is glist'nin

My window was up

got covered in fluff

walkin round in frozen underwear

I can hardly climb the stairs for breakfast

the frosting makes me walk like Frankenstein

mom and dad are saying you'll be late son

but they don't understand

there's ice on my behind

Later on, they'll be thawin',

think I'll freeze a couple more then

when the Pack meets tonight

I look cool alright

walkin 'round in frozen underwear!