Fundraising Information
Pack 270 is a non-profit organization and is entirely self-funded. We strive to keep costs to scouts low, in order to make scouting accessible to as many families as possible; however, the Pack is heavily dependent on fundraising to cover scout expenses including insurance, scout awards, and subsidize the cost of scouting events, including summer camps.
Pack 270 is not permitted to solicit donations in accordance with Boy Scouts of America Policy; however, we are permitted to accept unsolicited donations. Please contact our leaders if you are interested in supporting our Pack or fill out the google form listed below.
What Fundraisers Do We Offer?
Yard Sale During Colorfest
Colorfest Booth
Fall Spaghetti Dinner
Easter Pancake Breakfast
Spring Bulb Sales
Joe Corbi's Pizzas
World's Finest Chocolate Bars
And so many more!
Fundraisers not only benefit our program but help send our kids to summer camps!
At any time you can contact our fundraising chair, Jimmy Best ( or via the form below) if you'd like to learn more about our fundraisers and how you can support Pack 270.