Trails End Questions

  • How do I enroll and get a free $10 sale?

1) Download the mobile app via your app store, or text App to 62771 or use the QR code (to the right) or access the web portal using

2) Setup the Parent account (to associate with your scouts account(s))

  • Council Name: Lincoln Heritage Council

  • District Name: Buffalo Trails

  • Unit: Pack 0176

3) Setup Scout account(s)

4) Have the your scout(s) navigate to the Wagon sales screen.

5) Scouts click Start Sale, select the 'First Sale on Us" product and checkout using Cash.

6) Congratulations, you are now setup and each scout setup has practiced and completed their first sale with a free $10 sale.

  • How does the Trails End App work?

  • What are some guidelines to follow for Scouts?