
“Be it exploring the therapeutic value of self-deprecation (hatemail), the prospect of extraterrestrial life (‘Aliens‘) or broadening the audience’s herpetological knowledge (Snake Facts), Katie McTigue’s Pacing is a project which always looks to push the themes and purpose of its anti-folk songs…

What emerges follows in the playful, tongue-in-cheek tradition of the likes of Kimya Dawson, yet always nudges the ideas further to be more than mere twee humour or sardonic fun.”

- Various Small Flames


Real poetry is always about plants and birds and trees and the animals and milk and honey breathing in the pink but real life is behind a screen

Released October 13, 2023


“Just because Katie McTigue approaches her music with a bone-dry sense of humor doesn’t mean she can’t take it seriously.”

“Deceptively sardonic but emotionally gripping music”



“One of our favourite emerging artists of the last few years, boasting an appeal and style that feels entirely her own.”



cute cute cute

Ironic yet also somehow entirely sincere... holds up the everyday in all of its surreal and often torturous truth

title of the decade, true statement, wavy catchy songs




Pacing is the songwriting and recording project of Katie McTigue (San Jose, CA). McTigue’s writing style has been described as “tongue firmly planted in cheek” (Surviving the Golden Age), “distinctively sardonic” (Various Small Flames), and “I don’t get it” (multiple sources). She describes her listeners as “kids who were raised by Kimya Dawson into anxious adults who love Sidney Gish.”

Pacing’s sound is grounded by McTigue’s Floridian folk and bluegrass origins, but covers a lot of ground, from indie pop to harsh noise. Her arrangements center around her crystal clear voice, with creative backing vocals and foley that emphasize her storytelling and humor.

Read full bio


"Live / Laugh / Love"


Released 07.19.23

"Bathed in the soul-sucking strangeness and banality of the world we call home, sincerity is so often denatured into silliness. So why not fight back with the polar opposite? Invert irony on itself to say something earnest, even profound? New single ‘Live / Laugh / Love’ captures the mission perfectly."

- Various Small Flames

"Bite Me"


Released 06.07.23

"“Bite Me” reveals the tentative and somewhat illusory divisions that exist between us and the “real world.” As she points out in the song, disconnection via technology is a reality of the world we live, but unplugging isn’t as easy or always instantly beneficial as it might seem."

- Grimy Goods

Streaming Links

Bandcamp  //  Spotify  //  Apple Music  //  Soundcloud   //  YouTube

Physical Media

DIY CD + Tapes

Pacing is known for her limited edition, hand-made, home-burned CD runs.

Al three of her full-length releases have had CD runs sell out on the first day, with "Snake Facts" CDs selling out in just 27 minutes.

The Real Poetry CDs are made of recycled DVD cases with a poetry booklet sewn into the plastic.
